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March 16, 2010

    Everyone please buckle your seatbelts we will be landing in Toronto in less than thirty minutes, Giselle heard a ladie's voice come over the intercom on the plane. She looked at her watch 4 am she said to herself.  She stretched her legs and yawned and then buckled her belt preparing to land. She had taken an overnight flight to Toronto so that she could get there in time for Corey's funeral that afternoon. She had opted to come alone, her mom had asked her if she wanted her to come and Xavier had also said that if she wanted he wouldn't mind going but Giselle had told them both that she felt that she should go alone since neither one of them had really known Corey.  She walked up to baggage claim and collected her suitcase then called a cab from her cell phone that would take her to her hotel room at the Hilton. She had booked a room there for only one night since her job had only given her permission to take two days off.  As she was waiting for her cab outside the airport she pulled her windbreaker out of her suitcase, it is really cold here so different from Southern California she thought shivering. While in the cab she had considered calling Judy but she wanted it to be a surprise that she had come, plus she knew she was probably really busy and did not want to bother her so early in the morning.   

    When are you coming home babe? Xavier asked her. I should be home tomorrow night Giselle responded holding her cell phone up to her ear with her shoulder, she was trying to talk to Xavier and  iron the black pencil skirt that she had brought to wear to the funeral all at the same time. Ok, he said well I am missing you already he said to her. Why, because you can't cook your own dinner? She asked jokingly. You know what?  I do know how to microwave for your information he retorted. Uh huh sure you can she added with a giggle. So does Judy know you're there yet?  He asked her. No, I'm not going to say anything. I'm just going to show up to the funeral home she responded. Well I hope everything goes alright he said. Thanks my love she responded. Well I better go, gotta get dressed I only have an hour left before the funeral she told Xavier. Don't burn down the house please she said and hung up. She threw the phone on the bed and slipped on the black skirt with a long sleeved black button up chiffon blouse and her black patent leather pumps. She straightened her long dark hair and put on her makeup. Lady in black she said to herself in the mirror. She could feel that nervous feeling that she always got in her stomach anytime Corey was involved start to creep up. She put on her black leather jacket and grabbed her black shoulder bag. Let's do this she said to herself as she opened the door and started down the hallway.

    Where would you like to be dropped off at ma'am? It looks like it's a full house he added looking back at Giselle. She was applying her lipstick. Umm front of the building is fine please just pull into the circle drive and I can get out there she added putting her lipstick and compact back in her purse. The circle drive was lined with black limos parked bumper to bumper. Thank you she said handing the driver a twenty dollar bill and stepping out of the car, she put on her sunglasses took a deep breath and headed for the door. The smell of flowers hit Giselle right in the face when she walked into the building as she walked down the corridor she could see why. The hall was lined with huge flower crowns and all different kinds of floral arrangements. When she reached the swinging double doors that led to the chapel she paused for several moments with her hand on the door handle and took a deep breath. All of a sudden the door swung open and almost hit her in the face. Oh, I am so sorry my dear the woman said. Don't worry about it ma'am Giselle said putting her sunglasses on top of her head. Giselle had to do a double take she recognized the woman's voice. Judy? Giselle asked looking at the woman straight in her beautiful blue eyes that looked just like Corey's .She looked very different to her, much older of course and her blonde hair had turned grey but she was still as gorgeous as Giselle remembered. Yes, I'm Judy she said looking at Giselle. You don't recognize me Jude? She asked. Judy stood there and stared at her for a few moments. Giselle! She exclaimed throwing her arms around her they stood there embracing each other for several moments. You look beautiful my love she said holding Giselle at arm's length looking at her up and down. Thank you Giselle responded. Are you married? Judy asked her spotting the giant diamond on her engagement ring. Not yet Judy I am engaged though, we are finally getting married next fall she added. Well, congratulations dear that ring is to die for. Oh I'm just so glad that you're here thank you so much for coming she said hugging Giselle again. So you definitely need to sit with the family she told Giselle grabbing her hand and leading her into the chapel. No, I really can't she said to her I'll sit back here she said pointing at the first bench she saw walking in. Nonsense Judy said you are the closest I had to having a daughter in law she added. There for you are like my daughter she said pulling Giselle to the front row.  Would you like to go up and see Core? Judy asked Giselle. Yes I really would Giselle responded. Can I have a moment?  She asked Judy hoping she understood that she wanted to be alone with him. Of course Judy said taking her seat. Giselle walked to the front of the chapel were Corey was, he looked so peaceful and handsome she thought. Hi Core, I made it she whispered but you already know that no one could ever keep me away. Giselle grabbed a Kleenex from her purse she could feel her tears welling up. She placed her hand on Corey's hands they were so cold she thought to herself. I hope you have found happiness wherever you are  she whispered as the tears ran down her face I kept my promise she continued I still haven't forgotten about you and you can rest easy knowing that I never will. Goodbye my love she whispered as she wiped her tears with the Kleenex and walked back over and sat down beside Judy and the rest of the family.

    My taxi is here I'm going to get back to my hotel, I have an early flight tomorrow back to LA Giselle said to Judy at the cemetery. We are all going to dinner Judy said you are welcome to come along if you would like she added. I would love to Jude but I am so exhausted my flight got in at four this morning and my return flight is leaving at five am tomorrow then I have to work in the afternoon. If I didn't feel so much like a zombie I would but I don't think I'd make the best company Giselle responded. I see Judy said. Well listen it was great to see you again Giselle thank you for coming I know your presence here has made Core very happy she said wrapping Giselle in a hug. You keep in touch now Judy said to her and I want an invitation to that wedding she added. Will do Giselle said and if you need anything you let me know Jude she added blowing her a kiss as she got in her taxi. She looked out the back window of the car at Judy as they drove away until she could no longer see her.  That's it. It's over Giselle thought to herself sadly looking out her window at the passing houses. Even though she and Corey had been over for more than twenty years she had never felt it officially over-- until now. She had loved living with the hope of them possibly finding each other once again. She had tried her best to keep up with what he was doing over the years through talking to Judy from time to time and following the tabloids back when he seemed on top of the world and so out of reach.  She was always waiting for the day that her phone would ring and he would be on the other line just like the last time she had spoken to him, the night that he had called her from the rehab facility all those years ago. But the call never came and every time she thought she had mustered up the courage to call Judy and ask for his number she would chicken out and that had become her biggest regret. All I have left are the fading memories of Corey and I, the good ones and the bad ones she thought as tears rolled down her cheeks. One thing that she knew for sure was that even though they hadn't spoken to each in so many years is that she would miss him for the rest of her life.

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