Chapter 31

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 Giselle awoke the next morning and ran straight to the bathroom; the nauseas- ness was becoming a normal thing for her. She couldn't keep anything down and felt that she was losing weight instead of gaining. She was pretty sure that people are supposed to gain weight when pregnant she knew that she was going to have to schedule an appointment with her doctor soon but she didn't know how she was going to do that without her mom finding out. She didn't really feel like going to school that day so she called herself in again. She decided that she was going to go over to the health department and see a doctor rather than go to her family doctor, because she knew that her mom would definitely find out and she didn't want that to happen.  She took a quick shower and then threw on some gray sweatpants with a black hooded sweatshirt then put on her shoes and headed down the stairs. She went to the fridge and took out an orange and a bagel she sat down at the island and ate her breakfast. Once she was done with breakfast she grabbed her tote bag and left the house. She figured the walk to the health department would more than likely take a good hour to hour and a half so she better get started.

As Giselle was walking across the parking lot of the health department she thought to herself that she had been correct it had taken almost two hours to arrive as she opened the double doors to the lobby. She walked in and to her right was the waiting room it looked completely full and it didn't look like there were any open seats. Giselle walked up to the appointment window, the lady behind the counter had an annoyed look on her face. Can I help you? She asked Giselle. Yes Giselle said I need to see a doctor today please. Have you ever been here before? The receptionist asked. No but I believe I may be pregnant and need to see a doctor. Sure said the receptionist if you can please fill out this form front and back and handed Giselle a clip board with the pen attached to it on a string. You can have a seat in the waiting room while you fill that out if you would like. Thanks Giselle said as she made her way to the waiting room. As she had first thought there were no available seats except for one chair and it was right beside a woman who had five kids, her little boy that looked like he might be three or four years old kept running up and down the hallway. Giselle sat down and began to fill out her paperwork when she was finished she walked back up to the window and gave the woman her completed form. Perfect the woman said and told Giselle that someone would call her when it was her turn. Giselle grabbed a Parenting magazine off of the table and sat back down. The lady beside her was burping her baby and yelling at the little boy that was running up and down the hallway she told him to sit down and he wouldn't listen, so she had to get up and take him by the hand and lead him back to where she was sitting. He began to cry very loudly because his mother would not let him run around. I hope my kid isn't that ornery Giselle thought to herself, there is no way I could deal with that.  Samantha said a nurse from the doorway to the waiting room the lady beside Giselle gathered all of her belongings and headed toward the door all of her kids trailing behind her. Giselle was relieved because with the little boy gone everything was peaceful and quiet she got wrapped up in the articles in the magazine until she finally heard the nurse call her name.

Hello said the nurse as Giselle walked towards her my name is Maggie.  Nice to meet you said Giselle as they stopped at the scale just inside the door. Please set your stuff down take your shoes off and step up on the scale the nurse instructed Giselle. 104 the nurse said and then motioned for Giselle to step down and follow her. They walked down the hallway and Giselle caught a glimpse of the lady that she was sitting beside in the waiting room and all of her kids in one of the rooms that she passed. The nurse stopped at the end of the hall and told Giselle to sit on top of the bed in the room, that she were going to check her vitals.  The nurse then grabbed a cup from one of the cabinets and told Giselle that she was going to need a urine sample so that they can do the pregnancy test. The restroom is two doors down on your right she told Giselle handing her the cup, she made her way to the restroom hoping that she would be able to go because she had gone right before she had left the house and she had not had any more to drink.   To her surprise she was able to go just fine and even filled up her sample cup, she sealed it and walked back to the room and handed it to the nurse. Perfect said the nurse we should have the results very shortly and the doctor should be in momentarily she said as she waved goodbye to Giselle and shut the door behind her.  Several minutes passed and it felt like an eternity to Giselle.  But at long last there was a small knock at the door and the doctor walked in, hello Giselle I'm Doctor Wright he said holding his hand out for Giselle to shake. Got your results and I believe congratulations are in order, Giselle you are going to be a mommy.  She already knew this but when Dr. Wright broke the news to her it felt like it was the first time she had heard it and she began to sob. Hey now said Dr. Wright I know that you are young and you have many options so it's definitely not the end of the world sweetheart. Is the baby's father in your life? Giselle nodded her head yes but still could not speak. She didn't want to tell him who the father was because she knew that no one would ever believe her. She knew they were going to think that she had listened to that Michael Jackson song Billie Jean just one too many times. So all of that being said Dr. Wright said interrupting her thoughts I'm going to write out a plan for you and what all you will need to do to take care of yourself and the baby. Ok said Giselle finally able to speak. She told Dr. Wright about how nauseous she had been recently and also that she had lost some weight as a result of not being able to keep any food down. Yes he said this is very common with first time moms, especially in the first trimester I'm not too worried as of right now he continued but we will monitor you and if we see that you don't start gaining some weight after month three we may have to do something about it.  But as of right now I think you and baby are just fine he said. Do you have any other questions for me today? He asked. No Giselle said I think you got them all for now. Alright he said well I would make an appointment with Sarah at the front desk for a month from now so we can check your progress.  You take care of yourself he said as he left the room. Giselle sat there for a few moments trying to collect her thoughts before walking out.

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