Chapter 29

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     Giselle opened her eyes she was feeling a little nauseous she could tell that it was still dark outside. She looked at the digital alarm clock on her bedside table 2:22 Am read the blue block numbers on the clock. Giselle swung her feet to the floor and told herself that she needed to be sure and make it to the bathroom.  She stubbed her toe on the edge of her vanity as she made her way to her door she had to hop on one foot once she was out in the dark hallway.  She tried to walk quicker to the bathroom without turning the light on. She lifted the lid on the toilet seat and began to vomit. Once she was sure everything in her stomach must now be in the toilet more came out then she began dry heaving.  She was still sitting there with her head in the toilet when she heard her mom's bedroom door creak open and her mom's footsteps coming down the hall. Honey, are you alright? She asked turning the light on in the bathroom. Yes momma I think I'm fine just feeling a little queasy. Hmm well I hope you aren't getting sick with the flu her mom said. I'll be ok I think it was the mac & cheese I ate, I'm not eating  badly and the one time I do I puke it all up it's not fair she complained and stood up.  She flushed the toilet then washed her face and brushed her teeth.  She kissed her mom on the cheek see you tomorrow momma she said and walked to her room she laid back down in her bed and Gia curled up next to her and they both fell fast asleep.

    Giselle woke up as soon as her alarm went off the next morning at 7 she jumped into the shower and could tell that her stomach was still a bit upset. She dried off and got dressed she went down to the kitchen and made herself a piece of toast hoping it would calm her stomach. But as soon as she ate it, it came back up. She ran to the bathroom and tossed the bread and whatever was left over from last night in her tummy. She slowly got up from the toilet and flushed it. She decided that she was going to call in to school today because she could not shake the yucky feeling. Maybe her mom was right and she was coming down with the flu. She called herself in and then changed into sweats and a t shirt. She laid back down in her bed and shut her eyes.

    Giselle was awakened by the loud ringing of the telephone. Hello she answered. Giselle its Corey the sound of Corey's voice made her bolt right up in bed.  Corey why did you leave? I'm so sorry baby, I had to my agent called and said we start filming this week I had to leave ASAP to be ready. Did you get my flowers? He asked. I did but why didn't you tell me you had to leave in your note? I had to go to the Greene's to find out.  I didn't want to ruin your day the point of the flowers was to make your day he said. I know but I was so sad when I didn't see you in class and had to go lookin for you, I was worried.  Aww sweetie that's why I'm so crazy about you, you care about me. Of course I do Giselle said with a smile finally crossing her face. So did you just bring the flowers in and leave. I went and asked the janitor for the key bright and early and he made sure it happened Corey said. So when you comin to see me? He asked.  I don't know Giselle said pretty soon because I'm not going to be able to be apart from you for very long. today I stayed home sick I have been throwing up since last night I think I ate something bad Giselle explained.  Aww my poor baby! Corey said almost as if he was talking to a baby make sure you take some medicine and get some rest hun. Then once you are better come see me.  Or if I can I will come down there and pick you up. Ok Giselle said feeling so much better and finally being able to smile as her and Corey hung up. Giselle got up and went downstairs and sat on the couch and began flipping through the channels looking for something good to watch on TV.  She finally settled on Full House she loved that show.  

    She awoke to her mom putting her hand on her forehead, Giselle are you sick? She asked. I don't know Giselle answered I stayed home today because I was throwing up then slept until the phone woke me up this afternoon. Then I came down and tried to watch TV but apparently couldn't stay awake she said stretching as she looked at the clock already 7 pm I can't believe I slept all day. If you don't start feeling better tomorrow I'm taking you to the doctor. Aww mom do I have to? I hate doctors Giselle said. Yes you have too if you have the flu they can give you some antibiotics or something to make you feel better. Fine Giselle said as she began flipping through the channels on the TV. Giselle couldn't find anything on that she wanted to watch so she shut it off and went to her room to call Amy. The phone rang twice before Angela picked up. Hey Ang is Amy home? Yes she is.  Are you coming over tonight Giselle? Angela asked. Probably not hun I have been sick all day and I don't want anyone else getting sick. Aww I wanted to see you Angela said. Well listen I promise I will come by as soon as I can. Ok she said. Aaaammmmy! She yelled. Giselle could swear she yelled right into the receiver.  Hello Amy said as she picked up the phone. Hey its Giselle how was school today? She asked. It was ok cheer practice was rather tough but other than that, oh and of course I missed you in Algebra. Where were you by the way? Amy asked.  I was throwing up all night and then this morning and anytime I eat anything it just comes back up. Amy went silent for a moment and then said Gigi how long ago was it that you hooked up with Corey? She asked.  Hmmm probably about three weeks or so why?  Did you use any type of protection? No we really didn't except for I'm pretty sure Corey pulled out? Oh my Gigi what do you mean you are pretty sure? What if you are pregnant? Amy said. No way Giselle answered I really doubt it I think I just have food poisoning or something.  Uh huh famous last words Amy said before they hung up.

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