Chapter 12

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     The next morning was Friday and Giselle woke up in a fantastic mood she even woke up thirty minutes before her alarm was set to go off, which never happens.  She was sitting at her vanity putting on her makeup and blaring "Girls Just Wanna Have fun" on her stereo when the phone rang. Giselle walked over to her end table and picked up the receiver.  Hello she said. Hey sweetie it's Corey. Corey is everything ok Giselle asked slightly alarmed. Yes it is he said however I was calling you to tell you that my mom called me this morning from Toronto, she told me that my agent called her last night and he told her that he has set up an audition for Corey and I this afternoon .  So I won't be in school I'm going to drive up there this morning and probably stay there and hang out with Core over the weekend. Our movie premiere for The Lost Boys is Saturday as well and I wanted to see if you would like to go with me. Giselle was not sure she had heard correctly. Corey wanted her to go away with him this weekend and be his DATE for his movie premiere?!  She really wanted to go but knew that there was no way her mom would ever in a million years allow her to go with Corey to the city for an entire weekend without parental supervision. She knew that she would have to think of something to tell her mom but she also knew that she was going to go. She told Corey that she wanted to go and asked what time he was planning on leaving. Probably around eleven ish he responded. Ok said Giselle I am going to have to run it past my mom but I'm going no matter what! Yea! Corey said now that's my girl! Ok well I'll be by to pick you up in about two hours Corey said. Be sure to pack an outfit to go out in a red carpet outfit and a swimsuit because Core wants to get a suite and he always picks the ones with the best hot tubs and pools. Sounds good said Giselle I'll see you then she added sweetly and hung up.

    Giselle then called herself into school so that they would not call her mom later.  She pretty much just told the attendance office that she was going to be out sick today.  She was going to have to wait to call her mom because she knew that she would not be to the city yet. She would have to wait until 9 when her mom arrived at her office. Giselle went to the hall and pulled her cobalt blue suitcase on wheels out of the closet and pulled it to her room. She set the open suitcase on her bed and proceeded to her closet to pick out clothes for the weekend. Corey had said to pick out something to go out in so she grabbed a short skin tight black dress with one sleeve off the hanger and a pair of hot pink stiletto pumps, perfect for a night out in LA she thought as she threw the clothes in the suitcase. She then grabbed her black bikini out of the drawer and threw it in the suitcase. The red carpet dress was going to be harder it was important that she looked good for the event since she would be on the arm of the guy with the lead role in the movie. She finally decided on the red dress that she had worn to Amy's sweet sixteen party a floor length body hugging dress with a slit up the left leg that went up to her thigh and her gold stilettos. She didn't quite know what else to pack so she packed a little of everything a couple pairs of jeans , a jean skirt a pair of shorts , a few pairs of shoes  and tops that would go with all and of course her favorite thick black and white flannel for the chilly nights in LA. She then put all of her makeup and toiletries into another bag and packed everything as neatly as she could into her suitcase, zipped it up and wheeled it out into the hallway. Gia just sat there looking up sadly at Giselle. Giselle knew that Gia could always feel when she was getting ready to leave for a while because she would seem to get sad and mope around.  Giselle heard the grandfather clock in the living room chime 9 am; she knew that she would have to call her mom pretty soon.

    She was nervous and still not sure what excuse she would give her mom about being gone all weekend.  She finally got the courage to pick up the phone receiver and dialed her mother's work number the receptionist picked up the phone after only two rings. Z Academy Associates this is Alicia she said.  Hi Alicia this is Giselle is my mom available? Hey Giselle Alicia said yes she actually walked in just a few moments ago I will ring her in her office. Thanks Alicia Giselle said.  Giselle almost lost the nerve to speak to her mom when she heard her extension ringing, then before she could completely chicken out she heard her mom's voice on the other end. This is Brianna, how can I help you? Hey mom it's me Giselle. Giselle why aren't you in school? Was the first thing her out of her mom's mouth. Well I was actually running a bit late to school but I am on my way. Giselle lied.  I wanted to call you before I went to class so that I could ask you something and I know you don't get to your office until 9. Ok then what question do you have for me? Her mom asked.  Well Amy, Jodi and Elizabeth have all planned a weekend trip to LA this weekend to see the premiere for Corey's movie The Lost Boys and they are planning on leaving right after school so that we can get a hotel room and--- Who's we? Her mom interrupted her raising her voice a bit. Umm well me. Giselle answered. That is why I'm calling you today mom, I really want to go please please, please can I go? Her mom was silent for a few moments and then said why is it this is the first time I'm hearing anything about this? I'm sorry Giselle responded, Amy just called me this morning and told me that her parents just told her today that she could go.  All week long she thought that they weren't going to let her go and we would have no way to get there. So you are leaving after school and returning when? Her mom asked. Giselle could tell that her mom might say yes and said we should return Sunday evening. Her mom was quiet for a few more moments and then spoke. Alright Giselle you can go but I want you to be careful and I want you home no later than 10 on Sunday. I also want you to call me when you get to your hotel and when you get back to it each evening. Oh thank you so much mom you are the best mom ever!  Giselle hung up with her mom and was feeling a little bit guilty for having to lie to her about going with Corey. But she just had to go and she knew that her mom would not let her go if she knew she would only be with him all weekend. But she was and she could not wait!


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