Chapter 1: The Beginning

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So where do I begin? Well I do remember mom always telling stories of dad sweeping her away from the chaotic environment that was her high school life. They were like bedtime stories to me and Zane. I never once believed a word.

Yet here I am eleven years later wishing I had heeded her warnings or excepted my father's pleas to homeschool me. While I was plummeting Zane was doing okay. He had friends unlike me. Though some people didn't like the fact he was openly bisexual.

Yeah I know you remember the story of Zane liking the boy in first grade but as he started to grow little Zaney found he was gaining a new crush but this time for a girl. Sadly that didn't work too well considering they were only ten but he's known who he was ever since.

That's more then I could say for myself. As I watched Zane grow into a rather charming guy I watched myself grow too. Beautiful and kind but for some reason I was the only one that noticed. Now I hide behind the mask of words that people recognize me by.

Though Zane has his friends he always makes time for me. Always. I couldn't have asked for a better older brother or friend. I pulled from my thoughts as my alarm sounds and my mother gently knocks on my door.

"Teagan?" I sigh. "Come in mom." She steps in looking like she's never aged a day though it's been eleven years. I'm now seventeen and Zane is nineteen. My mother is thirty-four and my father is thirty-six.

"Breakfast is downstairs." I nod softly and she smiles warmly kissing my head. "Keep your head high darling." I nod watching her leave. It was the same routine every morning it seemed even though I prayed everyday I didn't have to go back to that school. At least I had Zane by my side though.

I make my way downstairs and am greeted by my father's warm hug. "Hey sunshine. How's daddy's favorite girl doing?" I smile. "I'm okay." He sets my plate down in front of me. "Just okay Teagan. If your sick or something I'm sure you could stay home." I shake my head. "No daddy just fine." He gave me a worried kiss to the temple.

My father knew of my struggles just as well as my mom but I refused to let them pull me from public school. I knew secretly my father waited for the day I'd let him. I just could never see myself running away from the situation. Because then those kids win. They all win.

I shake my head eating breakfast. I hear footsteps and am greeted by Zane tussling my hair. "Hey Tea." I push him some. "Stop..." We share a laugh as I look up at his tall tan frame and chocolate colored locks that fall in his face.

"Come on sis

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"Come on sis. Show some sisterly love." I groan kicking his leg. "Ow okay. Truce." He sits in his seat sighing. "I said sisterly love not tough love." I smile. "You asked for it." He smiles back before digging into his breakfast. My parents take a seat at the table after a few kisses. Once I'm done I head up the stairs to my room. Zane bumps into me slightly. "Hey!" He smiles. "I'll race you to see who can get dressed faster." I roll my eyes. "No way. You just pick your clothes up and smell them before throwing them on. I have a process to make sure I look nice." He pretends to be asleep. "Zane!"

He laughs. "That's so much work for just school Tea. Maybe you should try it my way for once." I scrunch up my nose. "No way. Not now. Not anytime soon. I'll meet you at the car like usual." He shrugs before opening his door and disappearing into it. "Suit yourself." He says before closing the door.

I step into my room shaking out my waves in my hair from the shower I took last night. I step up to my closet examining my options. I settle on a black and white stripped shirt that shows my stomach a little bit with a pair of jeans that are ripped in the knees and a black and white pair of Adidas.

As I'm getting dressed I hear a knock on my door making me jump

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As I'm getting dressed I hear a knock on my door making me jump. "Done!" I hear Zane yell and then I hear him descend down the stairs. I shake my head with a smile. I throw on a little bit of makeup grabbing my bag from the rack. I spray my perfume and look in the mirror sighing and trying to put on a smile. "You've got this Teagan." I take another breath before leaving. I head down the stairs hugging my parents before heading out the door.

Zane smiles dangling the keys in his hands. "How about you drive Tea?" I smile. "Does she have her license?" He turns to see Jay. I shake my head. "I have my permit." He unfolds his arms and I see aunt Ashe appear next to him. "Then I suppose it's okay." I smile. "Really?!" He flicks my nose. "Sure thing." I hug him. "Thanks Uncle Jay." Ashe touches her stomach.

"How's the little one doing?" Zane asks over the top of his car. "Well, the doctor says. I'm only two months along though." He hums. "Can't wait to meet him or her." She lifts her head from Jay's shoulder. "Us either." Jay sighs. "Don't you kids have school to be running off too?" I frown nodding.

He pats my shoulder. "It gets better." I nod watching them head off into the house. "What do you say Tea?" I sigh. "Yeah okay." I extend my hand and he pulls the keys back. "Where's that smile?" I roll my eyes. "Zane..." I start but he stands up straight. "No Teagan. It's not fair that you're so sad. You're supposed to be happy and full of life like I remember you being. I know that girl is still in there and screw everyone else if they don't like her. She's my baby sister and I love her." I smile hugging him. "Thanks Zane." He hugs me back. "If you repeat that to anyone..." I laugh taking the keys as I pull back. "What you're scared someone's gonna see your big fat heart?" He rolls his eyes. "Get in before my big fat heart changes its mind." I laugh getting in and he shows a wide grin getting in as well.

Just in case you were wondering Jay is now our uncle. He has been for about six years now. They have their first kid on the way and I don't know who's more excited Ashe and Jay or our parents. I turn the car on and back out of the driveway. I turn the radio on heading to Crystal Hills High School. Mom didn't want us going to Sierra High, which is where her and dad went. She never said why, though I always felt like it was because she was afraid people would remember her for her parents death. We knew our grandparents died long before we were even thought of but we don't talk about it. Mom is happy and I think she's finally gotten over it after all these years.

I pull up to a stop light and Zane is texting next to me. "You have math first today right?" I nod pulling off from the stop light. "Do you need me to..." I take a breath. "I'm a big girl Zane. I like interacting with my older brother especially because he's my best friend but you have a life too and you don't have to hold my hand." He bumps his shoulder lightly into mine.

"I know Tea but I know you're having trouble and I wanna help if I can. I'll back off some if that's what you'd like." I bump my shoulder into his. "I shake my head. "Sometimes you are the only reason I get through the day and I'm thankful to have a brother like you but I don't want your life to revolve around me. Go hang with your friends. I'll be okay. Promise." He nods. "Okay Teagan." I smile pulling into the parking lot parking in one of the student parking spaces. I turn the car off and he extends his hand. I give the keys to him letting my smile fall.

He thumps my cheek opening his door. "Welcome to hell." I roll my eyes opening mine as well. "Not funny Zane." He tussles my hair and I groan trying to fix it. "It's funny to me. Come on brat. Before we are late." I swallow shutting my door before following him towards the one place I hated most. High school.


P.S. Tea is pronounced Tay.

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