Chapter 31: Trip To The ER

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"You know we have to tell her eventually Jackson." I say combing through his hair as he lays his head on my thigh with my shirt lifted so he can rub circles onto my bare stomach. "I know but hoe are you even going to explain it?" I frown. "I don't know." He smiles kissing my stomach softly. "I think maybe we should wait until the baby is bigger. That way we can show her where the baby is growing. If you tell her now she might not understand completely and it will be much harder to lie when your stomachs still flat." Sadie was at Jessica's for the night. We went to get her an hour ago but she insisted that she wanted to stay the night. We agreed since its just right next door and Jessica told me to come knock if we needed her even if it was after midnight.

We kissed her goodnight and got her settle before me an Jackson took a bath an got settle as well. "Yeah maybe you're right." He hums kissing my thigh next. "How do you feel baby?" I hum. "Fine. A bit nauseous but I'll be okay." He hums. "Maybe our little one just wants ice cream." I cover my mouth shaking my head. "No Jackie. The baby doesn't like that idea. I know technically the baby isn't human yet but it still decided what foods make me sick and ice cream is one of them." He frowns.

"What can I get you then?" I think before nibbling on my lip. "Do you mind driving me to a Sonic?" He smiles lifting his head. "Baby the closes one is in Duarte. It's thirty minutes away." I frown and he pulls my lip from between my teeth. "Baby I can take you." I shake my head. "No no. Can you take me to the store then instead?" He nods. "Sure. We will need to tell Jessica." I nod. "I'll text her. It's late and I don't want to wake Sadie. She should be asleep by now." He nods before kissing my stomach once more and getting up. It was around nine thirty and Sadie's bed time was eight thirty. I send Jess a text saying we would be gone. "Are you ready baby girl." I nod. "Yes." I hit send and get up from the bed to take his hand.


"Baby was all this necessary?" He Sat's towing in bags of stuff. "Yes yes Jackie. The baby wants a molten brownie lava cake sundae and if I can't get one I'll make one." He sets the bags down. "I thought the baby didn't want ice cream?" I sigh. "It doesn't but something about ice cream and brownies make it very happy." I extend my hand for the bags. He hands me one at a time as I lay the ingredients down. I grab a bowl. "Would you like one?"

He nods. "Sure." I grab another bowl and open the brownie. I cut two big pieces and microwave them to warm them. I then fill them with chocolate syrups placing them in the center of the bowl. I put vanilla ice cream all around and on top cutting to more big pieces and crumbling them over the top. Then I put whip cream on top and a whole bunch of chocolate syrup.

I hum. "Dig in." He chuckles. "Are you trying to kill us?" I smile. "Maybe the baby is." We share a laugh diving in. I hum contently. "This is actually really good. How did you learn to make it?" I smile taking a seat. "Let's just say my aunt was a very fun person." He laughs softly. "I can see." I eat about half the bowl and he wipes my mouth with a towel. "Feeling better?" I hum. "Most definitely. But no more sweets. I don't want to harm the baby." He nods understandable.

I hum. "Are you ready for bed?" I finish the brownie nodding. "Yeah I think we're done." I say holding my stomach. "Go clean up. I've got this." He says kissing my head. I nod heading up the stairs. I wash my hands before getting into bed softly. "I know that you can't hear me yet but I love you and I always will. So does your dad. We are extremely happy to have you no matter what." "Love?" I blush roughly watching him slide in next to me. "You started talking without me." I smile touching his cheek. "I love you." He touches my stomach lightly. "I love you both." He whispers against my lips. I smile nuzzling my head onto his chest. "Ready for bed love?" I hum. "Yeah I think so." He wraps me in his arm. "Night Teagan." I smile widely. "Good night Jackie."


I roll over groaning softly before feeling sick. I get out of bed heading for the bathroom where the morning sickness hits me. I brush my teeth before stepping out to see Jackson still asleep. I glance over realizing the sun's just barely rising. I open the balcony panels stepping out. I sit pulling my knees into me. "Well I'm up now." My stomach flips and I sigh. "I know. You didn't mean to wake me just calm down a bit yeah?" As if the baby can hear me my stomach settles.

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