Chapter 47: Emma's Here

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*Two Weeks Later*

We got the majority of our stuffed moved in except our clothes and our beds of course. Everything seemed to be working out quite nicely. Everything seemed in order and right exactly where I needed to be. I roll over early in the morning. I feel the baby press down on my pelvic bone. "Hey there." I say taking a few breathes. It wasn't anything unusual sometimes she just liked to remind me to be careful. She's still swimming around in there.

I try to get comfy when I feel it again. "Hey Emma come on." She pushes harsher. "What do you want little one?" I whisper and keep feeling her push so I click on the light. I gasp seeing the bundle of water that's been soaked up by the sheets. "Jackie! Jackie!" He jumps up. "What?!" I grab his arm. "My water just broke." He focuses on the puddle to before jumping up. "Okay okay. Come on. Everything's in place." He helps me up and down the stairs.

He sets me on one of the stools. "Sit here I'll be back in a minute." He rushes out and eventually comes back with Jess and Mark. "Don't worry about Sadie. We'll get her up and won't be far behind you." I nod and Jackson scoops me up. "It's faster this way." He rushes me into the elevator and out to his car. I take sharp breathes the whole ride and he's speeding I can tell but at this point I didn't care. He pulls us to the entrance scooping me out of the car running me inside. "My wife in labor!" He yells and everyone stops before rushing over. He sets me in a wheel chair. "I have to park the car. I'll be there though. I promise." I swallow as they wheel me away.

"How far apart are the contractions?" I huff. "Two minutes or so. Probably less." They wheel me to the back getting me in a gown. It's not long until they've put the epidural in me and Jackson is rushing in as well. "Okay now little lady. This isn't gonna be easy. It's gonna hurt like hell and it's gonna take awhile but we are gonna get this done okay?" I nod softly. "Okay now whenever you feel necessary I need you to start to push." I take a big breath and Jackson's hands before pushing as hard as I can. He presses a kiss to my head. "I love you more than anything." I smile. "It's gonna be awhile Jackie." He smiles. "I'll be here every second." I hum pushing as hard as I could once more. I lay my head back sighing. And it begins...


I don't even know how long it's been. Maybe days. Or maybe it was just countless hours but eventually I heard it and as if on cue I started to cry. I could hear the beautiful cries of my wonderful little girl and within minutes she was in my arms. "Oh my gosh!" I look up at him. "Jackson..." He wipes at his eyes. "Look at her Teagan." I smile holding her as close to my warm body as I can. Jackson reaches out and the nurse stops him. "I'm sorry sir but you can't hold the baby at the moment. We like to let the mother and the baby bond for at least an hour before it comes into contact with anyone else." He sighs nodding. "I'm gonna go tell Jess and Mark I guess than. I'll be back though. Even if I can't hold her yet I'll be here." I smile. "I'm gonna feed her and you should go for an hour Jackie. Get something to eat. I'll be fine." He huffs. "Fine but after that I'm right back here to hold my baby." I nod. He kisses my head and I smile watching her. I gasp as he goes to leave and he turns abruptly. "She has my eyes." He smiles. "She gonna be so beautiful. Just like her mother." I smile softly turning my attention back to her as he leaves.


"Look at her. Wow." I stir softly before opening my eyes to see Jackson holding the baby." He hums. "I didn't mean to wake you." I shake my head. "It's okay." I watch him rock her softly. "She's everything I've ever dreamed of." I hum. "Where is everyone else?" He smiles. "They are in the waiting room. Everyone. I wasn't sure if they could come back right away." I nod opening my arms. "I need to feed her and than you can send them back one or two at a time." He hands her over to me and I pull my gown down some. He sits watching patiently as I feed her.

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