Chapter 27: Sadie's File Pt. 2

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This chapter talks about some of the things that happened to Sadie but it shouldn't be that triggering.

"No Jackson I'm sure. Make dinner. Order pizza. Do what you like. I'll be back soon. I'm sorry." He shakes his head kissing me. "Do not apologize but are you positive that you don't want me to take you?" I shake my head. "No my cab should be here soon. Love you. Don't wait up for me." He kisses me. "I can't promise that." The cab honks and I smile. "I'll be back." He hums. "Good luck." I kiss him one last time. "Thanks." Eventually I climb into the cab giving him the address before waving to Jackson.

It takes about twenty minutes to get there and I am greeted by Jess. "Jess what are you doing here?" She smiles. "Michelle called me in to help but it seems I'm not as helpful as I thought I could be." I frown. "Hope I can be." She smiles. "Michelle thinks you can be. Come on I'll take you to Sadie." She leads me up the stairs to the left of the hallway this time and down two rooms. "We've set her in here to eat and she just sits blankly like that. We figured that she might eat if we left her." I frown. "Give me a second Jess?" She nods. "Sure." I step in and she looks at me. "Sadie why won't you eat?" She shrugs and I sit down. It's silent and it stays that way. "Daddy didn't like it when I I don't." I looked wide eyed at her. "You talked to me?" She picks up her fork. "You won't let daddy hurt me." I shake my head. "Neither will these other people." She shrugs. "I just like you." I smile. "So why wouldn't you eat?" She frowns. "Daddy would call me names and sometimes hit me when I ate without permission." I frown. "Sweetie listen. You're daddy can't hurt you anymore." She nods. "I know but I'm still scared sometimes." There is a knock and I look up to see Jess. "I'll be right back okay?" She nods.

I get up heading out of the room. "How did you get her to talk?" I smile. "I don't know she just opened up." Michelle comes walking down the hallway. "Well I have a new project for you Ms. Reynolds. You'll be taking Sadie home this weekend." I shake my head. "Michelle I'd love to but she doesn't like Jackson." She hums. "Well she likes you and unless you wanna come in everytime she's given a meal then I suggest you take her home." I huff before stepping back into the room.

I sit and she continues to eat before pushing her juice box towards me. I open it and give it back to her. "Sadie listen that man you saw earlier he lives with me." She nods. "But the people here want me to take you home for the weekend because you feel so comfortable with me. Do you feel comfortable living in the same place as him for a while?" She stops for a second. "Will you be there?" I nod. "Of course." She thinks. "Will he touch me?" I shake my head. "Not if you don't want him to. The most he might do is try and talk to you or help you with things but you don't have to talk back or allow him to help." She nods. "Yes then I'm okay." I smile. "Finish eating so we can pack a bag okay." She nods.


"What do you mean you've got a surprise?" I smile but he can't see me through the phone. Jess was giving us a ride back so a cab driver wouldn't startle Sadie. "Just please don't startle the surprise." He sighs. "Babe please tell me you didn't buy a parot. You know those things annoy me." I laugh. "No that's not it Jackson. I'm pulling up now. I'll be up in a second." We hang up and I take her bag as we get out.

I open the door for her to go in as we wait for Jess who comes shortly after. We get in the elevator and she's quiet the whole way up. We get off on the floor and me and Jess split ways. I unlock the door letting her in. "Jackson!" I call and he stands on the balcony. "Hey babe..." I step up setting her bag on the ground. "Sadie is gonna be joining us this weekend." He stammers. "But isn't she afraid of me?" He asks stepping off the last step. Before I get to answer she's grabbing my shirt and hiding behind my leg. "I'll take that as a yes." I smile. "Sadie it's okay. Jackson really isn't gonna hurt you." Jackson crouches down. "Sadie I have a little sister a little older then you and I love her with all my heart. If you give me a chance I promise I won't hurt you." She looks up at me and turns her face away from him. He sighs standing. "Sorry Jackie. All you can do is try. I informed her she didn't have to talk to you if she didn't want to." He kisses my head. "It's okay. I understand." She tugs on my shirt. I lean down to her level and she whispers to me. I hum. "I don't think we have any Sadie." Jackson hums. "Any what?" I smile. "Juice." He shakes his head. "No but I can go get some. The Quickie Marts still open." I look to her. "Would you like him to get you some?" She shakes her head. "Sadie listen to me. Jackson is not your dad. He wants to see you drink and eat the things you want. Right Jackson?" He nods. "Of course Sadie. I would be a little upset with myself if you didn't eat or drink what you want because of me." She looks up at me and nods. "Do you mind getting her some juice?"

He shakes his head. "Not at all. I'll get you some of that candy you like as well." Eventually he leaves and I turn to Sadie. "Now while he's gone would you like to take a bath." She frown. "What's a bath?" I frown. "They don't give you baths at the orphanage." She shakes her head. "They only have showers." I take her hand. "I'll show you what a bath is."


"See wasn't that fun." She nods and I help her get dressed. She doesn't mind she's used to it by now. I hear the front door close and Sadie jumps. "It's okay." She nods and once she's dressed I take her downstairs. "One cup of juice for Sadie." She tugs on my shirt. I lean down again and gasp softly. "No Sadie see." I take the cup taking a drink. I hand it to her lifting her up onto the stool. She drinks it slowly. "Sadie I also got you some candy." I grab her file from the table. "Wait Jackson." He stops. I search her allergies to find that she isn't allergic to chocolate. "Okay she can have them." He opens the bag dumping some into a bowl. She looks at me and I take one. Jackson eyes me and I sigh. "Her dad used to put sleeping medicine in her drinks and food." I whisper so she can't hear. "Wow I'd really like to pay that man a visit."

I smile as he dumps the candy into his hand before shoving one to my lips. I take it. "Yeah well all he walked away with was a few misdemeanors and he can't ever have custody of another child again. So good luck finding him." He wraps an arm around me. "It's a father job to protect. Know I'd never ever hurt you or our children if we have some one day." I hum. "I know Jackie." I take another candy from his hand before turning to look at Sadie. She eventually pushes the bowl away. "Would you like more juice Sadie?" She nods. I pour her some more juice setting the cup down. She sips it and I take a piece of her candy. She rubs her eyes.

"Sadie would you like to watch cartoons while you sleep?" She nods. I help her off the stool and take her up the stairs to the spare room. I help her in bed and turn on the TV while she gets under the covers. "Here you go Sadie." I turn on the lamp. "Thank you." She whispers. "Sadie what happened to your mom?" She looks at the TV. "I don't know. She wasn't there. Some people say she's in heaven but I'm not sure where that's at." I frown. "It's okay Sadie. Only really nice and sweet people go to heaven." She smiles. "Have you been?" I shake my head. "No but I hope to go one day. Get some sleep. I'll be right down the hall."

She nods. I eventually leave here heading to the bedroom. Jackson is laying in bed with his phone. "See sissy is right here." I wave seeing Raelynn. "I miss you Jackie and you too sissy." I hum. "We miss you Raelynn. Get some sleep it's late. I'll make Jackie call in the morning." She nods blowing a kiss. They hang up and I lay my head on him. "She just told me her mom died." I whisper and he kisses my head. "Probably at birth. She has no one fighting for her." He looks at me pushing the hair out of my face. "That's not true baby. She has you and I'm trying as hard as she will let me. That's something." I smile. "Thanks Jackson." "Ms. Reynolds..." I do up stepping into the hallway seeing her in the doorway of her room. "M-my stuffed bunny. C-can I have it?" I nod walking over to her. "Sweetie of course where is it?" She pouts. "My bag I think." I head down the stairs to get it. I bring her bag up into the room and tell.her to get back in bed. "Here it is." She reaches out for it. "Mr. Fluffy used to hold me at night when daddy would..." She frowns. "Hey you don't have to finish. Just get some sleep okay?" She nods. I leave eventually and head back to bed. "Can you turn on the lamp I'd like to look over her file." He nods turning it on and I open the file. I scan through it some seeing the multiple reports filed I eventually find the one detail I am looking for. "She's not up for adoption at this time."

"What?" I hand him the file showing him. "He hurt her that bad?" I nod. "Unfortunately yes." I huff. "This poor girl." He shuts the file pulling my lips to his. "Baby enough about Sadie for tonight. She's safe and she seems a bit happier with you here." I nod falling into him. "I know." He kisses down my neck. "You're so tense."

I hum. "Jackie we can't..." He smiles. "I know but I can help you relax a little." He says sucking softly on my skin. "You're the best." He hums. "Flattering will get you nothing but more love." I laugh some. "Shut up." He kisses me softly before pinning me to the bed as he hovers over me. "Mmm I wish we had the house to ourselves baby. Then I could really loosen up some of your nerves but just know that I'll make up for it." I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him back down next to me as I kiss him. "I love you." He wraps me in his arms snuggling his face into my neck. "I love you too baby girl." I reach over him turning the light off. "Goodnight Jackie." He kisses my neck. "Goodnight babe." I wrap my arms loosely around his neck before dozing off to sleep.


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