Chapter 14: Interruptions

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Jackson POV

I'm sitting with my head in my hands rocking back and forth. I just want her to wake up. I'd give anything for her to just open her eyes and be okay. I want to hold her and tell her I love her but I can't.

"Jackson..." I glance up at her brother. Her parents had come and have been here for awhile. They say her temp is dropping but it's been hours and she hasn't woken up. "Oh hey Zane." He sits next to me. "Listen man I know this is hard. It's hard for us all but Teagan is tough. She's gonna pull through and it may not mean much especially not now but I want you with here. You make her stronger than I've seen her in awhile. She's herself with you. Maybe it's not my say and maybe it's way to early but you'd make a great brother-in-law. Don't tell her I told you though. She'd kill me." I laugh some. "Between me and you I'd like to get there some day."

There is a soft groan. "Jackson..." I jump up taking her extended hand. "Teagan?!" She looks up at me with a tired smile. "Did it work?" I let the tears pool watching her now colorful face pushing her hair back. "Yeah Tea. It worked." She smiles turning to see her parents. "I'm gonna go get a nurse okay?" She hums.

As I turn to leave her mother takes my arm. "Thank you Jackson." She pulls me into a hug. "Don't thank me Mrs. Reynolds. This was all Teagan." I pull free eventually leaving to get a nurse. "Excuse me. Teagan Reynolds in room 213. She is awake." The women jumps up. "That's great." She follows me to the room. "Teagan how do you feel?" She hums. "Sick but better and tired." She nods. "Can you tell me your birth date?"

She nods. "July 16, 1998." She hums. "Good. Can you name the people in this room?" She nods. "My mother Riley, my father Evan, my brother Zane, and my boyfriend Jackson." She hums. "That's great. You seem to be doing great. We are going to do some test but everything seems normal. Just rest."

The nurse turns to her parents and they talk as I take Teagan's hand. "Jackson I have to pee." I smile. "Do you think you can walk?" She shakes her head. "Okay come on." I scoop her up and make her grip the iv pole with on hand throwing the other around my neck. "You okay?" She hums. "It's good to be back in your arms." I smile kissing her head before carrying her to the bathroom. I set her down leaving her to use the bathroom before carrying her back.

"Anything else I can do for you?" She nods. "Go home." I look at her confused. "I know that they are missing you and probably worried." I sigh. "I call and check in." She sighs. "Jackson..." I shake my head. "No Teagan. I am not leaving you. Bottom line." She huffs. "At least go get something to eat. I know you haven't eaten since this morning." I nod. "I'll get something to eat. But only if you get some more sleep." She nods. "Deal." I comb through her hair as she starts to doze off. "Jackson...thank you so much." I hum. "Anything for you Teagan."


Two Days Later

"That's absolutely not true." I nod with a smile. "Yeah they say that if you sleep alone that he will come for you. Especially when you're feet hang off the bed." She rolls her eyes it was midnight or so and one of the nurses woke her to cheek her vitals. There talking woke me. Not that I'm complaining because I'm thankful to even be able to hear her voice.

"I think I'll take my chances." I shrug. "It's a good thing I snuggle with my pillow." She laughs. "Laugh it up but when he grabs your foot tonight don't come crawling over to me." I scuff. "Don't flatter yourself." I rub my eyes and she frowns. "You've been going to school so tired. Get some sleep Jackson." I sigh. "I'm okay."

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