Chapter 34: Making Up For Lost Time

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I pull the covers up over me higher groaning softly. There is a knock at the front door and I groan looking at the clock seeing that Jackson still has thirty minutes until he gets home. I throw the covers off of me and head downstairs opening the door in a pair of leggings and one of Jackson shirts.

"Hi I have a package for a Mrs. Peters." I furrow my brow. "That has to be wrong I'm not married yet." He frowns. "This is 3300 in this building right. It's possible I have the wrong address." I shake my head. "No that's here I just don't understand who would..." I sigh. "I'm wasting your time. Where do I sign?" He hands me the hand held. "Thank you ma'am. Have a good day?" I hum. "Yeah you too." I take the large yet not heavy box into the condo opening it. There is a note on the very top.


You're mother gossiped about your engagement and your little plan to become a mom. I was a little upset you hadn't told me but I know you've got a lot going on. Anyways I wanted to give you some of the maternity clothes that I never used. I know you're filthy rich but I thought I'd save you from fighting the stores. Love you kiddo.

Aunt Ashe.

I reach into the box pulling out some pants and leggings. I smile to myself taking the box up to the room. I set it down falling back into bed making a mental note to thank her later. I get comfortable again and it's not long until I hear the footsteps of Sadie running into the room. She stops when she sees my eyes closed. She kisses my head. "I love you mommy." Jackson eventually tells her to go watch TV and let me sleep as he steps into the bedroom. She does and I hear him start to undress like he always does after work.

I open one eye peeking at him as he pulls a towel from the closet heading into the bathroom. The shower clicks on and I listen to it run as he showers. The sound is soothing to me. Simply peaceful. Eventually the water clicks off and I hear him searching for a shirt. I open my eyes to see his bare back and before I can close my eyes his deep voice carries through the room. "Admire all you want but you could at least ask me how my day was." He throws the shirt over his head before turning on the lamp to lay next to me. "Was it rough?" I gasp. "Sadie didn't give you trouble did she?!" I ask running my fingers through his hair as he lays his head on my shoulder placing one arm around me and the other hand on my stomach. "No no she was an angel but business wasn't as easy as I thought. I mean I'm just a paid intern and I'm whipped." He frowns. "Hey don't frown like that. You're gonna make it because you're working hard baby. You're gonna be that CEO coming home to you're wife and kids in your fancy house and nice car. You know none of that means anything to me but if it what you want I know you can get it."

He hums. "I know baby and I love you but I'm just gonna miss out on so much. "My babies first steps. It's first word. That's just a lot Teagan." I huff. "Maybe you can take online classes." He sighs. "Or maybe I should just give up." The baby adjusts. "Oh...the baby didn't like the sound of that though I'm not sure if it can hear you but I didn't like it either. You're so much better than that. Jackson reach for your dreams and I promise me and your kids will understand." He kisses me softly. "You're right love. I'm sorry. We'll figure it out yeah?" I hum nodding. "Now how about we order dinner?"

I smile. "Don't care." I groan. "What's wrong love?" He says combing through my hair. "Just not hungry." He leans down pressing a kiss to my stomach. "Be nice to your mother." The baby shifts and I smile. "I think it likes you." He hums. "I hope so." He kisses me. "I've been missing you." I hum. "Yeah?"

He bites his lip nodding. "Yeah." I wrap my arms around his neck. "How much?" He smirks. "Oh baby more than enough." I kiss him once more. "Hey I get it but um there's Sadie and there's something else we need to discuss." He sighs laying back. "Oh um okay. Go ahead." I kiss him harshly. "We will do this Jackie just..." He rubs his hands up and down my arms. "Hey it's okay. Now what's on your mind."

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