Chapter 35: An Early Morning

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I roll over in the middle of that night falling softly into Jackson solid frame and I hum contently. I open my eyes looking up at him. "It's late, can't you admire in the morning?" He says in his sleepy deep voice that's just to die for. I bite my lip. He opens his eyes slightly smiling.

"There's a good sight to open your eyes too." I hum. "Keep talking." He laughs some wrapping his arm around me. "No I want to sleep baby." I frown. "At least give me one kiss." He leans forward pecking my cheek. I whine nudging my nose against his. "I want a real kiss and a meaningful one at that."

He smiles pressing his lips to mine. "Are you happy now love?" I pout. "No because my fiancée is being a meany and won't stay up with me." He huffs. "Love I want to but I have exams in the..." He stops abruptly. "Oh my gosh! I never studied for the exams!" I gasp. "Oh Jackie I'm so sorry. This is my fault." He kisses me. "No Teagan you can't blame yourself for that and I don't blame you. It was my decision to spend my time with you rather then to study."

I sigh. "I could have said no. I mean I knew you had to study." He hums. "That baby in you wouldn't have let you no matter how long we waited. I don't regret anything but right now I need my fiancée to make me some coffee and help me do this studying." I smile. "Even if I'm just a lone housewife to you, that's fine by me."

He shakes his head cupping my face. "You'll always be so much more than that. But technically you did contribute to my distractions earlier and you wanted me up so what do you say?" I nod with a smile. "Sure. Let me get some sweats on just in case Sadie get up." He nods and I crawl out of bed in his white t-shirt.

I dig for a pair of sweats sliding them on. "Come on Jackie. I'll go start that coffee." It's dark so I hadn't noticed he had been beside me the whole time until I feel his hand on my stomach. "I'm right behind you love." I hum as he kisses my head. I head down the stairs turning the coffee pot on filling it with water before putting the coffee grounds in it and shoving the pot back in its place.

I turn around and he shoves a glass of juice towards me. "I figured you'd avoid the coffee." I touch my stomach. "I know a little is safe but I'd rather not drink any." He takes my hand tugging me towards a stool. He helps me up. "Ready?" I pick at my nails. "What if I'm not smart enough? I-I don't really know this stuff." He smiles taking my hands. "You'll do fine baby. I promise. Look at me." I lift my face. "You know I've got this. You have faith and I have the same for you. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for. I know you are."

I scuff. "Really cause I'm eighteen and pregnant. I specifically said I didn't want to be like this and here I am. Let's be honest once my looks wither I'm nothing." He cups my face. "Is that how you feel? That once you're not pretty to yourself anymore I'll leave because there's nothing left?" I sigh. "It's just my hormones let's start studying." He shakes his head closing the book.

"No Teagan because that will never happen. I love you. Not just because you're beautiful but because some days you're just what I need. No one else can make me feel how you do. I knew from the minute I met you that I'd be here with you. I knew that I couldn't walk away because I knew I had just found the best thing that everyone was still looking for. They had seen your pretty face and they were jealous. They never wanted to look beneath the surface because they knew what they'd find. They would find a loving, caring, beautiful girl that they knew they would never be. They hated the fact that you were everything they couldn't be and I knew that if I couldn't have you then I'd be living my life just like those people. Lost without a reason and hoping one day I could find the strength to be what you are."

I open my mouth but the coffee buzzes and I get up to make him a cup. I wipe the tears pooling in my eyes as I grab a mug from the cabinet. I pour the coffee setting it on the counter to find the sugar and creamer. "Maybe you think I'm lying Teagan but I'm not. I see the beauty beneath your surface that will never subside. I see the things that normal girls stand in the mirror for hours trying to see. So yeah your gorgeous and time will make you older but the beauty you radiate is permanent. That flame won't stop burning until your heart stops beating and I'll never stop loving you and telling you how wrong you are until mine gives out." I pour the sugar and creamer into the cup stirring as I step back towards my stool.

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