Chapter 28: Improving

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I look over at my alarm clock as my eyes open for the first time today. 9:15. I throw the covers off of me getting up. I head out into the hallway seeing that Sadie's door is open. I look over the railing seeing her in the kitchen with Jackson. She opens the refrigerator and takes out the jug of juice. She struggles because it's heavy and drops it. Nothing spills but the sound startles her and Jackson. "Oh sweetie it's okay. There's no mess. Did you want some juice?" She's backed against the wall and she trembles a little as Jackson steps towards her. He picks up the jug and places it on the counter getting a glass. He pours some into the glass before trying to hand the glass to her. She glances at the cup and then at him. "Oh ugh..." He takes a sip before extending the glass to her. She shakily reaches out her hand to grasp the cup. "Put both hands on it Sadie. I don't want you to drop it." She does and carefully takes he glass from him. "See now that wasn't so bad. Would you like some cereal?" She shakily nods. He smiles making her a bowl. I watch her as she tries to climb onto one of the stools. "Sadie would you like me to help you?" She freezes shaking her head.

I hurry down the stairs before he tries to touch her. Afraid of how she might act. "Sadie..." "Morning guys." Sadie runs to me. She points to the stool and I lift her onto it before taking a bite of her cereal. She eats happily. Jackson pulls me into him. "You were watching huh?" I smile. "No..." He hums leaning into my ear. "I saw you."

I sigh. "Fine I was watching." He smiles widely. "She actually interacted with me." I kiss him gently. "She'll open up just give her more time baby." He nods. "Sadie would you like to go get some coloring books today? I'll let you pick out any kind you want." She rapidly nods. "Okay. Finish eating and we can go." Jackson hands me a plate of pancakes and sausage. "Here you go love." He says kissing my cheek. "Thank you." I sit next to Sadie pouring a cup of juice. I pour syrup on my pancakes and cut them up to eat them.

She pushes her cup towards me and I pour her more juice. She doesn't wait for me to test it before she starts to sip it. I smile softly and return to eating my breakfast.


"Ms. Reynolds?" I hum. "I want the pony one." I smile. "Sweetie the pony one is a bit harder. Are you sure?" I say opening it. She frowns. "It's too hard but I want a pony one." I think scanning over the shelves. "What about this one." I say picking up a pony one that says enlarged. She cheers. "That one! That one!" I hum. "Come on let's go get some crayons." She cheers. "So what's your favorite animal Sadie?" She shrugs. "What's an animal?" She asks softly looking over the crayons. "Ponies are a kind of animal Sadie." She gasps. "Ponies! Ponies are my favorite!" I smile. "Ms. Reynolds can I get the pack with the sharpener." I hum. "If that's what you want Sadie." She grabs them before stepping off of the isle and I follow. "Hey Tea!" She drops the crayons backing into my legs as Jackson pops up in front of her. "Oh I'm so sorry Sadie. Here. It's okay." She pauses before reaching out to take the crayons that Jackson had picked up. "What did you need Jackson?" He smiles. "There's a little fire pit on the deck of the condo. I thought we could make s'mores." I huff. "Jackie I'm not so sure you are supposed to light fires in there." He frowns. "I just wanted to show Sadie what a s'more was." I shake my head. "I'm sorry babe I'm just not trying to start a fire." He nods.

"I understand." I kiss his cheek. "How about we buy Oreo's and milk instead?" He nods. "Sure." We gather what we need eventually leaving the store. When we get back to the condo we are met in the hallway by Jess. "Oh hey there Sadie. Listen it's just me here right now. I was gonna get some ice cream and watch some cartoons do you want to join?" She looks at me. "Sadie if you want to go it's okay." She nods softly. "I'll be right in here if you need me." She nods. "Come on kiddo."

They head into her apartment and I barely get the key in the door before Jackson is pressing his lips to mine. I hum pulling back. "Jackson what..." He kiss me again dropping the bags on the floor. "I told you I'd make up for it..." He whispers before cupping my face to kiss me again. I shake my head. "Jackson what if Sadie needs something?" He hums kissing down my neck. "We'll stop." I laugh. "I'm not so sure you know the meaning of the word stop Jackie." I whine softly. "No I just think you don't know how to use it baby." I laugh some pulling back. "Jackie we can't okay? I'm sorry." He kisses me. "I have a responsibility to that girl and if something happens..." He rubs up and down my arms. "Shhh shhh shhh. Baby don't okay? I'm sorry. I'll wait. I'll wait." I hug him. "I just have to be there for her. I'm the only one who can."

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