Chapter 9: Don't Say It At All

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"Oh my are you okay?" My mother asks cupping my face. "I'm fine." She sighs pulling me into a hug. "Way to go sis I'm proud." Zane says softly. I hum talking Jackson's hand into mine. We stood in the hospital room and it was only about ten in the morning. We had gotten suspended and I felt bad because Jackson's mom didn't know and I could tell he was worried about how she would take the news.

"You stood up for my little girl huh Jackson?" He nods. "I just couldn't allow Diego to talk down about her like that." My dad stands pulling him into an embrace. "You're a good kid boy." He sighs. "I hope my mom feels the same." He mutters and I hug his arm gently. "Well sweetie since you'll be home for a few days do you mind helping around the house?" My mom ask and I shake my head. "Okay well they said that Zane could go home tonight sometime so go out and have fun we will see you back at home tonight." I nod saying goodbye before pulling Jackson out of the room after me.

"You're worried?" He sighs. "I've never been suspended before." I huff. "Me either Jacks but you stood up for me because you care. That's reasonable right." He nods. "Yes but I just don't want here to think less of me...or you." I stop pecking his cheek. "I'm gonna be right here by your side." He nods.

"Why'd you fight Diego anyways?" I say as we make our way to the elevators. "I just felt like it." I scrunch my face up. "Babe why are you lying?" He locks his jaw. "I don't want you to be upset if I told you what really happened." I frown stepping into the elevator. I turn his face to me. "I'm upset that you're attempting to lie even if it does salvage my feelings in someway."

He touches his nose to mine. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "Tell me the truth." He sighs standing up straight. "He stepped in and said that my girlfriend was a fat ugly cow and that you deserved to never be seen because you're so horrible terrible to look at and I just hit him. I didn't stop. I couldn't stop." I frown lightly. "Jackson..." He turns to me before kissing me and letting my back fall against the wall of the elevator. "Don't Teagan. You are so beautiful. You mean a lot to me. Teagan don't begin to think for a second I believe any of those hurtful words. You are so perfect. Every inch."

I stare breathless at him as he pulls away and the elevator doors open. He takes my hand pulling me out of the hospital. "Jackson..." He turns to me and I stand on my toes kissing him. "Thank you." He smiles at me. "Come on. We'll bring lunch and maybe soften the blow on the news." I laugh walking around the car. "You're not having a kid Jackson." He raises his eyebrows and I scuff. "You better not be." He smiles. "Of course not babe. You're the only one on my arm." We climb in and I fold my arms. "Yeah mhm." He rolls his eyes. "Babe I just got suspended for the first time in my life for sticking up for you."

I kiss his cheek. "I know Jacks and I appreciate it." He hums starting the car. "What would you like for lunch?" He says tapping my leg with a smile. "McDonald's sound great." He laughs but nods. "McDonald's it is."


I watch as Jackson steps in setting his keys on a hook by the door. "Who's there?" His mom yells from her bedroom. "Mom it's Jackson." She practically runs to the stairs. "Jackie are you alright?!" He nods swallowing the lump in his throat. "Mom I got suspended from school." She nibbles on her lip. "Why Jackson?" I interject. "Ms. Cheryl some kids had been picking on me long before me and Jackson ever started dating. There is a boy, he's also the one who had his friends beat up my brother, that dates the girl who's very mean to me and he said some very hurtful things and Jackson stood up for me. If anyone's to blame it's me."

She cups my face kissing my head. "Oh sweetie no one is to blame. My son was doing what I've taught him and that's to stand up for what's right. I'll be glad to have him home." He stares at her. "Mom I thought you'd be disappointed in me." She takes his hand. "Jackie honey why would I be. You stood up for your girlfriend. I would have expected you to do nothing less. I wish you could have done it in a less violent manner but sometimes there is no other option." He wraps her in a hug. "I love you." She hugs him back. "I love you too. I'm gonna go back to lay down. Teagan you're welcome to stay as long as you like." I hum and Jackson extends the McDonald's bag to her. "We brought lunch." She takes the bag. "Thank you Jackie." We watch her leave and he turns to me. "What would you like to do babe?" I think. "Cuddles by the TV sound nice." He hums. "Would you like to get more comfortable?" I huff. "Yeah but my bags in you're car." He smiles kissing my head. "Head upstairs I'll go get it." I hum. "You're the best."

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