Chapter 45: Emma

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*Almost One Month Later*

"Oh really so that's how you feel Jackson!" He huffs. "Yes! I love you so much but I literally have done nothing to you! You blow up at the slightest spark!" I laugh some. "Fine Jackson! I'm sorry that me and your unborn child are so much work for you!" He grabs my arm as I tried to head out of the bedroom. "You know I never said that." I pull free heading down the stairs and grabbing the car keys. "Don't worry Jackie you won't have to be bothered with us anymore!" I grab the door handle and he spins me pinning me to it before I know it. "Stop!" I pause just watching him. I swallow slightly before he leans forward pulling my lips to his.

I hum softly before letting my fingers tangle into his hair. "This was what you wanted?" I kiss him roughly. "I guess so." I huff. "God I'm just so angry with you." He smiles. "That's what people call angry sex baby." I smirk. "Sex?!" He pulls me closer. " that not what this is?" I place my hand flat on his clothed chest. "I want it Jackson but I have so much anger built up that I'm scared to. I'm scared to let you..." He kisses me. "Baby I will take care of you. Please let me. This anger towards me is only gonna build baby girl." I frown. "And you promise?" He cups my face. "I swear baby." I close my eyes sighing softly thinking about everything for a second before nodding. "A promise is a promise Jackson." He kisses me. "I wouldn't dream of hurting you in the slightest way." I smile up at him. "I know Jackie." He smiles leaning down to kiss me. "Let's do this then." I press my body to his. "Sure." He lifts me and begins to carry me up the stairs to the bedroom. "Thank you for this baby girl. You don't know how much I've missed you." I smile. "This is about me Jackie." He presses a kiss to my jaw. "It's always about you baby. Always. That won't ever change." He sucks softly. "But I can sure enjoy it baby." The baby kicks and I laugh. "Even the baby tried to hit you for that one." We share a laugh as he makes his way into the bedroom shutting the door behind us.


I'm sitting on the balcony with a cup of ice tea in my hand and my feet propped up. I'm thinking softly to myself as I sip the tea letting my other hand rub circles into my belly. I can hear people honking their horns down on the street below and I can hear the birds chirping above me. "Penny for your thoughts?" I smile. "You know my thoughts cost more than that." He takes the cup from my hand. "Of course. But your with a not so rich man." He scoops me up easily before sitting in my spot and bringing me down into his lap. "Besides I should get your thoughts for free." I lay my head against his shoulder setting my hands on his which are on my stomach. "I was thinking about you, us."

He hums sipping my tea before setting it down on the little table. "Does us include the baby." I shake my head. "No just you and me." He frowns. "Is this a conversation that I need to be not under you for." I laugh. "Maybe." He moves and I giggle. "No stay." He presses his nose to my check. "So I assume this is gonna be a good talk." I smile. "I want you to get your next check and blow every dime on me." He hums. "Now I wish I could but I've got you and the kids to take care of. I can't blow that money." I turn my face to look at him. "I know Jackie." He looks down at my lips and then back up to my eyes. I turn away softly with a smirk. "So what is it really Tea?"

I run my index fingers over my thumbnails. "Hey what's eating you?" I sigh. "I'm happy that we fell out almost a month ago." He makes a face. "Oh" I kiss him. "Not because I was gone or anything like that. But you seem so much happier now that you take that medicine and you aren't as stressed. That wouldn't have happened if you weren' that towards me." He kisses me deeply.

"Baby I couldn't love someone more. You care so much for me you don't even care that I almost hurt you a month ago." I smile. "Isn't that what love is Jackie?" He hums. "I suppose so." I pout. "Wouldn't you do the same for me Jackie?" He cups my face. "Baby I'd take a bullet for you in a second. Don't ever think I wouldn't." I hum kissing him before reaching over to sip from my tea. "You seem rather happy lately." I blush. "Well I feel happy." He smirks touching my hips. "Is this about..." I huff. "You always have to ruin a good moment huh Jackie?" He smiles. "I'm sorry baby it's just I can't remember a time that you were this happy to have sex with me." I roll my eyes. "And just like that I'm up." I stand taking my drink before heading back into the condo. He follows sighing heavily. "Baby girl I'm sorry okay? I've just missed seeing you this happy." I sigh kissing his cheek. "It's okay Jackson. I get it." I set the glass on the table and fall into his embrace. "I love you." He kisses my head. "I love you so much." I eventually pull back taking the glass and heading downstairs. I take a long sip pouring out the remainder of the ice tea. He eventually comes down with a smile. "What are you doing?" I hum. "I'm wiping down the counters. Why?" He takes my hand in his. "They can wait huh?" I roll my eyes. "What do you have something better in mind?" He places his other hand on my hip. "Just relax today Teagan. Sadie is off with Jess at work and your boss told you to take today off for a reason. You don't need to be working." I raise my eyebrows. "What we did a couple of hours ago wasn't work?" He smiles. "Not for you." I hum. "I did most of the work Jackie." He laughs. "Oh that's not true what about when you were..." I cover his mouth. "I know the baby can hear you." He smiles leaning in to kiss me. "I did the work baby girl." I huff. "You know letting you know that I enjoy it is work too." He hums. "Call it encouragement. It's not really work. It takes effort but it's not work." I huff." Whatever Jackson. I just won't 'encourage' anymore." He frowns. "But you know I love it when you encourage me. The louder the better." I push him completely away from me. "Go away Jackson." He pecks my cheek. "Not until you go up to that room and lay down. I'm serious about relaxing." I pull his lips to mine backing myself against the counter making out with him as his hands grip the counter behind me. I pull away smiling. "I want to wipe down the counter Jackie." He nods softly incoherently. I turn to wipe the counter down. He stops my hand and I turn softly to him and he reconnects our lips. He grips my hair pulling my lips to his and his other arm snakes around me. I hum softly. "You don't get to kiss me like that and leave me hanging to get what you want." I pout softly. "You baby are something so special. Gosh look how beautiful you are." He leans into me letting our noses touch and he still has a grip on my hair. "But I won't melt that easy this time. So you are going to lock those pretty little lips with mine and then you are gonna go upstairs and relax." I press my lips to his gripping at his shirt. When I pull back he smiles. "Now go." His voice makes me shiver some as I bite my lip stepping past him. I frown though whine I see he's not following. "Aren't you coming with?" He hums. "I'd love to but I've got things to do down here." I pout. "Oh okay." I step upstairs heading to the bedroom to lay down. I fiddle with the dented necklace around my neck thinking softly to myself. I feel the bed dips and I turn to see him as he brushes some hair out of my face. "I thought you didn't have time." He smiles. "I've always got time for you." I hum crawling into his embrace. He sticks his hand out to lay on my stomach. "What are we gonna name her?" He whispers softly to me. I smile setting my head on his as we both stare down at her. "Why don't we let her pick?" He looks at me. "Can she?" She kicks at his hand and I smile. "That's a yes daddy." He smiles nodding. "How about Olivia?" There's nothing. "Sophia?" There's still no movement and I think. "How about Emma?" She moves a bit but hesitates. "What about Emma Julian Peters?" She kicks and than immediately kicks harsher. I laugh. "Okay okay." I look up at Jackson. "Emma it is." He hums. "Emma it is." He whispers before kissing me.

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