Chapter 12: Moving In

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~POV Alexa~

The dorm looks so much more bigger than when I saw it last. Then yet, I haven't been here in so long. I grab a couple of bags and head into the elevator with Hongbin trailing behind me. I glanced over at him as he pressed a button for the elevator to go up.

A: I forgot you guys were on the top floor. I haven't been here in forever.

H: (Smiles) Yeah I know. Leo and Hyuk are excited that you are moving in with us.

A: Yeah, I knew they would be. They are like my brothers.

We got to the front door and knocked to see a sleepy Hyuk answering.

A: Annyong Hyuk! (Drops her bags and hugs him)

H: Hey what's up?

A: You are now ㅋㅋㅋ

H: Yeah I just got up from a nap.

Ravi, N, and Leo came up from the elevator and met me and Bean at the front door.

R: Are you going to go inside Alexa?

A: Uh.......(looks around).......

H: (Pulls me inside) Yay! She's in now!

R: (Laughs) Yeah haha. She is now.

We all help bring stuff and put it all in the living room for now.

H: So, who are you rooming with Alexa?

N: Leo.

H: Why can't she room with me?

N: Because Ravi is rooming with you since you both snore!

A: Okay. I'm cool with rooming with Leo. He's pretty chill.

B: So me and Ken are still roomates?

N: Yes Hongbin.

We separate all of mine and Ravi's stuff and take it to our rooms.

L: You can put your stuff in this half of the closet.

A: Okay!

Me and Leo team up to get everything organized and put away. Then we go into the living room to find Ken sitting there staring at the boxes of kitchen supplies. I can tell Leo is getting irritated already, and Ken hasn't even said one word to him.

L: (growls) You know you can help us get Ravi and Alexa setteled into the house.

K: I don't know what to do with all of this stuff.


K: Alright cool your jets Leo.

Leo truns around to find me backing away from him.

L: I'm sorry sis. I didn't mean to scare you when I yelled.

I look at him with fear in my eyes and run into the room and lock the door.

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