Home with Jung Taekwoon

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-The Next Morning-

~POV Alexa~

I wake up and almost panic because Ravi isn't right next to me. I sit up and my breathing is hard. Taekwoon gets out of bed and comes over to comfort me. I begin crying and sobbing into his chest.

L: Whats wrong?

A: I forgot we came home, and I paniced because Ravi wasn't next to me. Where is he?

L: Him and the other members went to practice. I have today off.

A: I'm sorry if I scared you Taekwoon. I was just so used to waking up next to Ravi all of the time.

L: (kisses the top of my head) It's okay noona. Just as long as you are okay.

He walks over to the closet and pulls out the hoodie Ravi put next to me last night.

L: Here, Wonshik brought this in here last night about 5 minutes after you fell back asleep. He had it next to you, but I put it inside the closet.

A: Kamshaminida.

L: Please don't cry noona. You are too pretty to cry.

A: (smiles) Thanks Leo.

I get up and stretch before walking into the living room and placing myself on the couch. Leo comes out about 5 minutes later and walks into the kitchen. I pull out my phone and find a text message from Ravi. I hastily open it, and find the cutest message written in there.

R: Hey baby. I know by the time you read this, I will be at work. I came to see you last night, but you were asleep. You looked so peaceful, and I didn't want to disturb and angel at rest. Leo is home with you, so you aren't alone. I love you, and will see you when I get home.

Love you more than ever,

Kim Wonshik "Ravi"

I blush and screen capture the message and turn it to my screen background. Leo comes into the living room with two plates of eggs, bacon, and toast. I take a plate from him and smile.

A: Leo, you didn't have to make breakfast for me. Thank you so much oppa.

L: (smiles) Well, I was hungry and I didn't want to seem selfish, so I just made you a plate.

A: (Takes a bite) Mmmmm. Taekwoon, I missed your cooking while we were on the tour.

L: I know. I missed cooking for you giys all the time too.

I felt my phone vibrate, so I answered it without bothering to look at the caller id.

A: Annyeong?

??: Yes this is the CEO of Jellyfish Entertainment, is Alexa a available?

A: Ne, this is her.

CEO: Okay well, did you accept the assistant manager job?

A: Ne, manager Cho said I begin next week.

CEO: okay, well I will see you in a week then.

A: Okay, bye.

(Hangs up phone and continues to eat)

L: Who was that?

A: CEO of Jellyfish. Asking about me taking the assistant manager job.

L: Oh, I forgot that you were doing that. N is upset. Me and Ravi can't figure it out.

A: Well, everything isn't his choice. I was offered a job, and I took it.

L: Ne. Good for you. I am happy that you are assistant manager, maybe some things would get done.

We finish eating breakfast and clean up the house. About 5 hours later, the boys come home.

~POV Leo~

L: Annyeong. How was practice?

R: Fine. Where is Alexa?

L: She was sleepy, so she went to go take a nap. You can go see her if you want to Ravi.

R: Thanks.

I watch him turn a corner into mine and Alexa's room.

~POV Ravi~

I find Alexa crashed out on her bed. She is wrapped in her blanket, and is wearing the hoodie I gave Leo to give to her last night. I place myself right next to her and wrap my arms around her. I hear her groan, but I hush her and rock her in my arms.

A: (half asleep) Wonshikie....saranghayeo.

I smile and kiss the top of her head. When she is back asleep, I go back out to the living room.

R: Leo, was Alexa okay waking up this morning?

L: She had a bit of a panic attack, but when I gave her the hoodie, she calmed down right away.

R: Poor thing. I hate it when she gets those panic attacks.

L: Scared the hell out of me. I have never seen her so upset ever.

R: Yeah. I want to talk to manager about him letting me room with her. But that means that Hyuk and Nana would want to room together as well.

L: Well, maybe when manager isn't here, I will switch rooms with you and you can be with her.

R: Thanks Leo. Hey, can I ask you something?

L: Ne. What is it Wonshik?

R: I think I want to propose, but I don't know how or when.

L: I think it should be during our finale. That would be so sweet. And just ask her to marry you. You don't have to give a big speech.

N: Did I just hear Kim Wonshik say propose?

R: Yes. Why? Are you going to throw a fit about that too?

N: No. What has been your issue lately?

R: Nothing, you just threw a fit at us in Paris, so I don't know when you are going to complain about something.

N: You better think this through before you actually do it.

R: Why? Isn't it obvious that I can't live without her? Or am I going to have to draw a picture for you about that too?

After that statement, we see a sleepy Alexa enter the room. She yawns and rubs the sleep out of her eyes. She looks so adorable.

A: (In a sleepy voice) Ravi please stop fighting. I don't want to see you upset.

R: Hey baby. Sorry I woke you up. (Pulls her into a hug) How was your day?

A: Boring, you weren't here and so there was nothing to do. (Yawns and sits on the couch)

I sit down next to her and pull her close to me. She cuddels into my chest and is out like a light. I kiss her face and stroke her hair. She is so adorable when she sleeps.

R: (whipering) See N? Can't you see that we are in love?

N: Fine, but when everything turns on you, don't come running to me for help.

N storms out of the room and slams his bedroom door. Alexa shoots up and almost panics. Her breathing is so uneven, and her heart is pounding. I hold her and kiss her lips.

R: Calm down baby. It's just N throwing a temper tantrum. Let's get you back to bed. You need the rest. I will wake you up when dinner is ready.

I pick her up and put her in my bed. She cuddles into my pillow, and is sound asleep. I tip toe out of the room, and continue talking to Leo about the proposal. He is almost as excited as I am.

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