Chapter 6

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~POV Alexa~

Once I am out of the shower I put on the clothes that Ravi had laid out for me. Black skinny jeans, Rovix shirt, and my white hoodie with VIXX printed in big bold letters.

Once I have everything on, my hair is brushed, teeth brushed, and makeup has been applied. I step outside of the bathroom and welcomed by a nice blast of warm air going into the bedroom. I go over to my dresser and put on just a pair of white socks and slide on a pair of high tops.

I leave the room and find Ravi cleaning the living room and wearing the same hoodie and black jeans. I smile at the fact that he matched my outfit.


A/N: Ravi and Alexa constantly match whenever the members of VIXX come over, or when they go out in public together.


"Hey you are finally up and adam." Ravi looks at me with a little smirk on his face.

"Oh hush. I have been up and adam for the past hour."

"Does it really take you that long to get ready?" He looked at me like I was insane or something.

"Yes Ravi, it takes me the same amount of time every day."

He just dropped the conversation, and we cleaned up the house.

When I looked up at the clock, I had realized that it was about 3:00. Wow we have been cleaning for a solid 5 hours! "Hey, lets take a quick break. We have been cleaning for a long time."

"Alright." We both sit on the couch and check our phones.

"Hey I guess N changed the time and they plan on being here in like 5 minutes."

"Bwo? Why so early?"

"I have no idea." We jump off of the couch and make sure every detail is perfect in the house. Then we heard a knock at the door. Ravi ran over and greeted the guys as they piled into the house. N saw me in the kitchen and was the first over to greet me.

"Anneyonghaseyo. How have you been Alexa? Long time no see." He sounded really happy to see me.

"Hey! I know right? Haha I have been alright."

"I wanted to appologize for taking Ravi so early yesterday morning. I guess you were upset at Hongbin yesterday morning."

"Okay. Yeah I was, but hey work is work." After I had my small chat with N, I ran over to go see Hyuk. "Hey! Congrats on your graduation." I hugged him and pulled him to the living room to talk more. Hyuk had felt like a brother to me since the boys and I had first met.

"Thanks for the congrats. No one except Ravi has said anything." His face seemed kind of sad.

"Awwe that kind of sucks. I'm glad to know that I was one of the first to say anything. I was worried that you were going to be tired of hearing that statement." A smile crossed his face and he chuckled. "Hey, I am going to find Hongbin. I have a few words to say to him." I left the living room and my search was interrupted when Ravi called for me.

"Alexa. What are we supposed to be doing for dinner if there's hardly any food in the house?"

"Uh........" Oh crap! I forgot to go to the store. I was too busy cleaning the house! "Uh.......take out?" I felt like an idiot. N and Ravi decided to go get pizza. After I said hello to Ken and Leo, my search for Hongbin continued. Finally I caught him coming down the hall on the second floor.

"Hey, I heard that I scared you yesterday morning. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I would be upset if someone came to pick up my special someone too." He smilled at me and I kind of stared at his dimples.

"You look like a little boy with those dimples." I slightly pushed him and we went back down stairs.

About 20 minutes later Ravi and N returned with our pizza. We all gathered and beagn eating and hung out for a few hours. An amazing night with VIXX.

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