Chapter 40

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~POV Ravi~

I wake up and Alexa is still fast asleep in my arms. We both have the same days off, so we can spend time together. Leo thought that this would be a good way for us to plan the wedding. That isn't happening for awhile though. I look over at the alarm clock, and its 8:30. I look back down and her pretty eyes are starting to flutter open.

A: Good morning my love

R: Good morning

A: That was the best nights sleep I have had since we got back home.

R: Why do you say that?

A: Becuase I got to be in your arms all night. It was perfect.

R: Glad I could help.

She pulled me close and placed her lips onto mine. Those soft, sweet kisses she always gives are amazing. Her fingers where in my hair and my arms were wrapped around her waist.

A: What are we doing today?

R: Whatever you want to do.

A: Okay, well lets just stay home till I think of something. You still owe me a day with you from my birthday, because once again, Hakyeon make you work again.

R: I know, I know. Once again, for the second year in a row, I am sorry my boss is an asshole sometimes.

A: Sometimes?

R: Okay, all the time.

We go out into the living room, and find Nana curled up on the couch. I guess she didn't want to go to practice with Hyuk today. We decided to go back into our room and cuddle in bed.

~POV Alexa~

Well this is just great, Nana is home alone with me and Ravi. Of course this would happen after our little fight last night. Great, well at least I still have my babe with me.

A: Do you think I was a but rash with Nana last night?

R: That would be like me asking you if I was a bit rash with Kim when we fought.

A: Right. Why did I do that?

R: It's called being territorial. You showed her that I am your property, not hers.

A: Okay.

I kissed him again and cuddled into his chest while we watched TV. I didn't want to leave the room at all until the other hyungs got home. I looked into Ravi's eyes, and he smiled and held me close.

A: Babe it's cold.

R: Want me to go turn up the heater?

A: No, just hold me.

R: (pulls blanket over us)

I snuggled back into his chest and kissed his neck. I heard him make some kind of a moaning noise, and so I did it again.

A: Babe that was so cute.

R: No it wasn't. That was so weird.

I leaned in and kisses his lips. He smiled into the kiss and licked my bottom lip. Once again, we were nothing but tongues, heavy breathing, kissing, and touching. He pulled me close and rolled on top of me.

A: Shh babe no, Nana is here.

R: So?

A: So she is just going to make suff between us worse babe. (Kisses him) Believe me, I want you, but I don't want this fight getting worse.

R: Can I at least kiss you?

A: What kind of a question is that?

I pulled him closer and kissed his lips again. Soon we fell back asleep in eachothers arms.

-5 hours later-

H: Annyeong?!

N: We are home! Ravi? Nana? Alexa?

H: Well, Nana is in my room watching TV. Alexa and Ravi are probably sleeping in thier room.

~POV Hyuk~

I walk into thier room to find them on a laptop watching Chad Future and Ravi's "Rock The World". I smile and flick the lights on.

A: Hey. (Hits pause) I'm trying to watch Ravi rap!

H: Wow, you are such a dork.

A: No, its called fangirling, duh.

R: Eventhough I can rap for her whenever she wants me to.

H: Well, I was just wondering where you were.

A: We have been in here all day, keeping a safe distance from Nana.

H: Good. I'm kinda pissed that you drug her by her hair. I don't care if you were pissed or not.

~POV Alexa~

I take my head set off and walk over to Hyuk with a fire in my eyes.

A: Let me explain something to you Sanghyuk. No one gets to kiss my man unless its me. I don't care if Nana is your girl friend, she needs to keep her nasty lips off of Ravi. Next time I see that happen, I will beat the shit out of her.

Ravi came over and separated me and Hyuk from eachother. He knew if Hyuk said another word, I would throw a punch.

R: Hyuk, you need to leave.

H: Why, because you're scared that she is going to "hurt" me.

A: You think I won't?

H: I don't think, I know.

Rage filled my eyes even more and I balled up my fists. Ravi sat me down on the bed and shooed Hyuk out of the room.

R: Will you please calm down?

A: I am done with everyone trying to defend her about what she did. She isn't the victim Ravi, you are.

R: I know, but you need to just control your anger.

A: I am trying, it's comments like that, that get me pissed. I am done.

R: Arraso. Just please, no more fighting. I am all yours. You know that.

A: I know. It's just hard for me not to be so protective of you.

I held my face in my hands and silently cried. I knew Ravi was watching, becuase I could still smell is colonge. He sat down next to me and tried to rub my back. I pulled away and curled up on the bed.

R: Babe please don't cry. You are going to make me cry.

A: I am just done Ravi. I don't know what to do anymore.

~POV Ravi~

I wiped her eyes dry and pulled her into a hug. Poor baby. She clung onto my chest and tried relaxing. I held her face in my hands and kissed her. She smiled and held onto my neck.

A: You always make me feel better when you kiss me.

R: Good. That means that I am doing my job.

I pecked her cheek, held her hand, and walked out into the living room. She sat down next to Hongbin and watched the TV. Nana was on the other couch texting. I figured the rest of the members were in their rooms. Except Leo, who was, like always, making some kind of food.

After dinner, me and Alexa sat in the room and re watched "Rock The World". She would always freak out when I said something on the screen. She giggled and cuddled into my chest. It was completely perfect, and I wouldn't trade her for any other girl in the world. She rocks my world, and I am sure I rock hers just as much.

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