Chapter 16

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~POV Hyuk~

Finally, I can get a day out of the dorm. It feels like it has been forever since I went to the store for whatever. Plus, I get to spend time with one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world.

H: Hey you ready to go

A: (Has her back turned) Yeah just give me a.........(turns and smiles)........minute.

H: What was with that smile?

A: Nothing. You just look amazing in that outfit.

I looked down and checked my outfit out. Jeans, wife beater tanktop, and white hightops. I looked at her outfit and saw she was in the same thing, except she had a black rovix shirt on.

H: I can go put on another shirt.

A: Bwo? No it's fine Hyuk. Your arms have gotten bigger since I have seen you last.

H: Why thank you

A: Yeah maknea. Alright lets go.

We went and walked down to the corner market. We bought some stuff to make kimbap. We figured that it would be something quick and easy since the corner market was quite a distance from the dorm without a car.

A: (Pays for items and hands bags to Hyuk) Here Mr. Muscels, carry the bags please.

H: Sure thing noona.

As we began walking, I noticed Alexa looking down at the ground like something was wrong.

H: Noona what's wrong?

A: (sighs) You guys are going on tour for a year. I don't know what I am going to do while you guys are gone. (Lets a tear roll down her cheeck)

H: Awe don't cry Alexa. I'm sure it will be okay.

We walked home in silence while I watched Alexa cry and wipe tears away. Once we reached the dorm, I put the stuff in the kitchen and then went out to the living room to find Alexa curled up on the couch. I glanced at the clock and saw that the guys weren't going to be home for a couple more hours. I walked over to her and patted her back.

H: Please don't cry Alexa. It makes me feel sad to see you sad.

A: Well, what am I supposed to do. I am not going to be seeing you for a whole year.


~Back with the guys at Jellyfish~

N: Ravi what's going on? You haven't been focusing all day.

R: I am just upset about the tour. What am I going to do about Alexa?

N: Don't worry about it right now. Just focus on practice right now.

K: What's going on over here?

L: I thought we were practicing. Our break is almost over.

R: I was just thinking about the tour. A whole year without the love of my life? What am I going to do?

L: What if we brought her with us?

N: I don't think manager would appreciate it.

R: Please N. Can you go talk to him tonight?

N: Ugh. Ravi you are so lucky that you are like a younger brother to me. I will try to talk him into it.

R: Thank you N!


~Back at home with Hyuk and Alexa~

H: Okay. We should start making dinner so we can surprise the boys with something to eat.

A: (Wipes her eyes dry) Okay Hyuk. Maybe it will help me get my mind off of things.

~POV Alexa~

Why can't I stop crying? This is geting absolutely insane. I am sure I am worrying Hyuk in the process of me crying. Oh well, I better get used to not having Ravi near me all the time.

H: okay lets get started.

A: Yeah. (Sighs) where do we start?

H: lets start making the rice.

A: Okay. How much do we need?

H: Lets do two cups. That will make alot of kimbap.

A: Okay. Pour 2 cups of rice into a pot, and I will get 4 cups of water.

H: Okay, what next?

A: can you take these veggies and cut them. I will wait for the rice to start boiling, and then I will turn it down to a simmer.

~20 minutes later~

R: (walks into the door) Hello?

A: (runs into the living room) Ravi!

R: Hey love. Why are your eyes all puffy? It looks like you have been crying.

A: I was. I was thinking about the tour.

L: What a coincidence, Ravi was thinking about the tour as well.

A: Really?

R: Yeah haha. (Snifs the air) is something burning?

A: Oh no the rice! HYUK TURN IT OFF!!

We ran into the kitchen and found out that Hyuk had managed to almost catch the rice on fire.

A: What kind of an asian are you!?

H: One that doesn't cook rice.

L: Good lord.

A: Well that's just great. Dinner is ruined.

N: Lets go out instead then.

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