Chapter 18

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-The Next Morning!-


I am normally the first person to wake up in the dorm. It allows me to enjoy some peace and quiet for an hour or so. I gaze up at the clock and see that the members have been asleep for quite some time. I can't blame them though. Whenever we have a day off most of us sleep in. I was getting worried though, because we needed to start packing soon. I raced into the rooms and got everyone up. All the members got up and out of their rooms. I did a quick head count to see that we were missing someone. Then I realized that we were missing Alexa!

N: (shakes Alexa) Hey come on it's time to get up.

She picked her head up and realized that it was only 8:30 am.

A: N it's too early to be awake.

I pulled the curtians open, and she just threw the blanket over her head.

N: Please wake up.

A: No! It's way too early.

N: You are definitely Ravi's girlfriend.

A: What makes you say that?

N: He is a pain to wake up in the morning before work.

A: (groans) I don't want to be up.

N: Don't make me go and ge back up.

A: (looks me in the eye) I dare you Cha Hakeyon.

I leave the room to go and grab Hyuk. We begin tickling her until she finally gets out of bed.

A: No fair! You tickeled me and I rolled out of bed.

H: Maybe you should consider waking up when N tells you too.

She comes out of the room and tries to rub the sleep out of her eyes. Then she stands by Ravi's side and hugs him.

~POV Ravi~

I feel someone wrap their arms around me and I almost freak out until I realize that it was Alexa giving me a hug from behind. I pull her around me and wrap my arms around her.

A: Good morning

R: Good morning to you too. Sorry you had to be forced out of bed, but N wants us to start packing.

A: Right now? It's too early. I only take a few minutes to pack anyways.

All of a sudden, our manager comes out of his room to all of the comotion coming from out here.

M: Good morning.

All: Good morning manager.

A: Hi

M: So you must be the girl with the separation anxiety right?

She clung onto my hand as manager came forward.

A: Y-yes. I-I-I'm Alexa.

M: No need to be scared. I actually haves something for you.

She looked so confused but noded her head. Manager went back into his room and came back out with a cute little red Rovix outfit for Alexa.

A: What is this for?

M: Well, if you are going to travel with VIXX, at least wear the Rovix symbol to the concerts. Welcome to the family.

She was so surprised that she thanked and hugged him for it.

M: Well, go try it on and show us.

She took the outfit and went into her room. About 15 minutes later, I had to knock on the door to see if she was ready yet.

R: Hey are you changed yet?

A: Yeah.

R: Well come out here so we can see the outfit.

A: I don't know Ravi. I think I look horrible.

R: Don't say that. Come out here and show us.

~POV Alexa~

I wasn't sure about the outfit. A red Rovix strapless shirt with a tie on the neck, white caprees, and I threw in my Chuck Taylors to add some black onto the outfit. I stepped outside my room and I felt like I was in the spotlight.

A: How do I look?

L: You look fantastic!

N: You need to wear that to our first concert. It looks amazing on you!

B: I like the red. It brings out your eyes and skin tone.

H: Wow noona! You look pretty.

K: Oohh so pretty.

R: (jaw dropped on first sight of me) Wow, I didn't think that you could look even more beautiful than you did 15 minutes ago.

A: (smiles) Thanks you guys. Thank you manager for the outfit.

N: Okay so we are wearing red for the first part of the concert to match Alexa.

Everyone noded thier heads in agreement.

M: (nods head) Yeap just like N told me last night. You look best in red.

A: When have you seen me in red? Besides now?

N: I haven't, but I have seen Ravi in red, so I just knew that you could look as amzing as him. You guys have the same skin complexity, and so you both look amazing in red.

~POV Ravi~

After the whole modeling thing for Alexa, she went into her room and changes into shorts and a t-shirt. Then we began packing. Me and Alexa both packed in the same bag, because we knew that we would be sharing a hotel room. We packed enough clothes for 2 weeks. We figured we could make a whole bunch of outfits with that, and the company packed us each a bag of Rovix aperal for interviews or the concerts themselves. Friday could not get here faster.

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