Chapter 19

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~POV Ravi~

Friday morning, all the VIXX members got up super early. I went into Alexa and Leo's room only to find her peacefully sleeping and wrapped up in her blankets. She looked so cozy in bed. I felt terrible just for thinking about waking her up. I checked to under her blankets to see if she was in decent clothes for the public. Sweats and a t-shirt. Perfect for a long plane ride. I picked her up and carried her bridal style into the van. We were about 2 hours from the airport, so she could sleep a little longer. I laid her down across the middle seats and ran back into the house.

N: Where's Alexa?

R: I put her in the car so she didn't have to wake up.

N: That explains where here blanket went.

I noded and ran into the room and got our bags. Then proceeded into Alexa's room to grab her a pair of socks and her high tops. All her other shoes have been put into the bags to take with us. When I got outside, all the other giys were waiting to get into the car. I lifted Alexa into my arms once more and cradeled her until everyone was in. I set her in the middle seat and moved in right next to her. She looked so cute when she was asleep. I didn't want to disturb her. I pulled her close to my chest and snuggeled with her all the way to the airport.

~POV Alexa~

R: Alexa time to get up. We are at the airport.

A: (groans) Huh?

R: Come on and get out of the car. I put shoes and socks on you on the way here.

I got out of the car and tried to maintain my balence. Ravi caught me and wrapped my blanket around my shoulders. It was almost freezing outside. You could see your breath perfectly. I looked at Ravi and noticed that he was dressed really warm. He took his beanie off and placed it on my head.

R: Pretty girls shouldn't freeze. Lets get you inside where it's nice and warm.

Once more he picked me up and walked into the airport. N handed each of us a ticket and we proceeded through security. Then maknea decided to play a game.

H: Hey Alexa, I will race you to the waiting room.

A: You are so on! Ravi hold my blanket.

We both took off with N siginal. Unfortunately I took a wrong turn, and ended up getting lost.

~POV Hyuk~

H: Yay I win! I told her I could beat her.

R: Yeap but where is she now?

H: I thought she was right behind me.

Ravi began to panic as he franticly searched the hallway we just came down.


~POV Alexa~

I couldn't find Hyuk or Ravi. I was really starting to panic as I brushed by people I didn't know. I finally pulled out my phone and texted Ravi.

A: where r u @?

R: the waiting room, where r u @?

A: by the coffee shop by the D gates.

R: stay right there. I am coming 2 get u.

I put my phone away and began to hyperventelate. I wanted Ravi to hurry up and find me. I began shaking and crying as I awaited him. Finally he showed up 10 minutes later. I ran over to him and hugged him. I was happy to see him again.

R: (kissed the top of my head) Don't scare me like that.

A: I'm sorry. I just was messing around and I guess I took a wrong turn. These signs are confusing to read still.

R: Come on lets get to our plane.

We got onto the plane. The seat rows were three on one side and two on the other. I places myself right between Ravi and N, since Leo was on the other side. The captain told us to buckel our seat belts and to relax and enjoy the flight. Me relax? Yeah right. Once I heard the engines start up and we started to move, I grabbed on to N's and Ravi's hand. I closed my eyes and began to pace my breaths. Once I could feel we were moving faster and about to take off, I clenched on to Ravi's hand. Then I immediately let N go and clung on to Ravi as if he was a life preserver. I didn't let go until the plane leveled itself out and we were up in the air. Ravi looked down at me and smiled as he looked into my tear filled eyes.

~POV Ravi~

Poor girl was scared to death during the take off. I thought she was going to strangel me if the plane had taken any longer to get off of the ground. Once it was all over, I met her eyes and smiled letting her know that it was going to all be okay. She smiled back and tried drying her eyes. A tear began to roll down her cheek, but I wiped it away and kissed her forehead. We were excited to be traveling together since she has never been to a concert before in her life. She put her head on my shoulder, put her earbuds in, turned up the music really loud, and passed out to VIXX's Voodoo Doll.


Finally, we are up in the air and going to enjoy a nice 17 hour flight. The flight attendant was going to be playing movies in about 2 hours to pass some time. I can't wait to land and sleep at the hotel. We are all going to be having really bad jet lag. It's a good thing that we left a week early. We are all excited to go sight seeing.

~POV Hyuk~

Good lord this is going to be such a long flight. I do not look forward to the flight. I can't wait to get off this metal machine.

~POV Leo~

I enjoy being up in the air. It calms my nerves. I look across the aisle and see Alexa passed out like a baby. She looks so comfortable and peaceful. Ravi has his head on the window and is also passed out. Typical Ravi. Once we land I know that no one is going to wake up for quite sometime tomorrow. We will all be too tired.

~POV Ken~

Why did I get the seat right next to Leo!?! He is going to snap me in half if I say one word. This plane ride is going to be so long and boring. Maybe sleep will help.

~POV Hongbin~

Yes! I get a row with someone I can get along with! Haha I am glad that I can share a row with Hyuk. He is pretty awesome. Can't wait for our flight to end though. I want to crawl into a bed and pass out. We are going to be stopping somewhere in Europe to switch planes. Yay us. Then the next stop after that is Las Vegas, Nevada. We figured that we may as well be somewhat close to California since our first concert is in L.A. Anyways, we all just need to get comfortable and relax while we are in the air. I pray we don't hit any turbulance on the way. I think it would give Alexa a heart attack.

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