A Love Story

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"Alexa it's time to wake up.",Ravi says. "I only have 4 hours until N is here to pick me up for work."

"Ugh, Ravi it's too early to be awake." I reply in a tired voice.

"Cmon, lets get up and get the day started." Ravi gets out of bed and stretches, while I stare at his chest and abs. "See something you enjoy?"

"Mhmm." I giggle and pull the covers over my head and hide from him.

"Hey beautiful, I wanted to spend time with you before I go to work."

"Why do you have to work all the time? I never get to see you on a regular basis."

"Hey it pays the bills." he leans in and kisses my forehead. He smiles and pulls me out of bed. "Lets go make some breakfast, Im starving."

"Okay, lets go." I say as he pulls me to the kitchen.

"So what do you want to eat?" he asks me as he pulls pans out of the bottom cabinet.

I shrug my shoulders in response.

"Why aren't you talking to me now?" he asks. He sounds concerned but I just shrug my shoulders in response again.

I walk over to the fridge in search of orange juice. Ravi comes up behind me and pins me to the fridge. I only have enough space to turn around. When I do, we are face to face.

"You know I can make you talk right? I know how to get words to slip through those lips of yours."

I smile and pretend I don't know what he is talking about. He pulls my chest into his and slowly leans in for a kiss.

We are rudely interrupted by a knock at the door. "Damn every time huh?" he asks in an annoyed tone.

"I will go answer the door. Go upstairs and put a shirt on Ravi." I run over to the door, and open it just a crack. Its Hongbin looking for Ravi.

I look up at the clock and its only 7:00. "Why are you here so early?" I ask him in a pissed off voice.

"N said to come and get him a couple hours early for a meeting. I'm sorry if i am intruding, because i know he wasnt supposed to come to work for a couple hours." he replys in a nervous tone.

"He will be down in a minute." About five minutes later Ravi came down stairs.

"I'm sorry I have to leave my love. I will ask to get off a couple hours early and we will have a night to ourselves."

"Okay. I hate it when they pull you in early." I reply.

Hongbin is standing at the door waiting for Ravi. He glances over and shoots a look at Ravi telling him to hurry up.

Ravi looks at him then gazes at me. "I will be home around 6 okay?" I nod my head and lean in and kiss him.

"Behave at work Ravi." He smiles and kisses me again.

"I don't promise anything.", he says in a joking tone. "I love you and I will see you after work." He gives me one last kiss and before i know it, he is out the door.

A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now