Chapter 23

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~POV Alexa~

The next few days carried on in the same way. It was time to say goodbye to Vegas and to head down to L.A. for the first concert of the tour. We left super early in the morning on a bus. Me and Ravi shared a seat. I stretched out across him and wanted to sleep. Ravi wouldn't let me pass out. He had something improtant to tell me.

R: You remember that rule that N told us about?

A: Yeah why?

R: Well, I found out that it was waved the second night that we spent in Vegas.

A: It was what?

He handed me a folded up piece of paper and I read it to myself. Then I looked over at N and got up to go walk over to him. Ravi watched me while I sat next to N and tapped him on the shoulder.

A: Is this some kind of joke? (Waves paper)

N: Bwo? Aniyo! I am being forreal.

A: What made you change your mind?

N: I just felt like giving you some freedom with Ravi.

A: Well.........thanks.

N: (smiled) No problem.


Why would I make something up like that? I am being serious and Alexa thinks I am playing around. Maybe it was way to unexpected. Maybe I should have told her in person. Then she could have heard the sincereity in my voice. I just want them to be happy and to have fun while we are out of Seoul.

~POV Ravi~

Alexa reacted differently than I thought she would have. That was almost scary. I am very happy that N changed his mind. I hate being on a leash. It makes me feel like she didn't want it gone. She makes it seem like she wanted to be on N's leash. Maybe I am overreacting. When we get to L.A. it is going to be intense practice with the concert only 3 days away. I hope that N dosen't kill us with all the practice that is going to take place.

~POV Leo~

I honestly don't know how to feel about the comcert. I am nervous, but I want to put on a good show for the STARLIGHTS. They look up to the whole group for guidance through our music. We need to take our practice seriously. We need to utalize that time properly. We can do this.

~POV Alexa~

We reached the bus stop in L.A. We were all very excited about the concert, but everyone seemed nervous at the same time. I hope that they do okay. I am nervous for them as much as they are. I only want them to do their best.

We got to the hotel and we were all handed a room key. Same roomates as Vegas. Once again, me and Ravi were on a different floor than the rest of the guys. I didn't know what to think about this. It was almost as if N thinks we are going to jump right into bed with eachother as soon as we get into a hotel room. Ravi came up to the door and put in the key. I walked in a flicked on the light to see that the rooms were even nicer than the ones in Vegas. I was so not used to being in a hotel like this. I was used to like Motel 6 or Days Inn, not something as fancy as this.

~POV Ravi~

It's funny to watch Alexa react to the rooms. I am used to it, because there are places like this in Seoul that me and the guys used to stay at, before me and Alexa got together. I placed the bags on the floor, and walked over to wrap my arms around her waist. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me with the cutest look on her face.

A: I can't wait for the concert. I really wanna see you perform.

R: I know you do. (Kissed her neck) I just hope I do okay.

A: Of course you will. You are Kim Wonshik. You will do great.

~POV Alexa~

I looked into his amazing brown eyes. They remined me of dark chocolate. I kissed his soft lips and walked out to the balcony. Such a perfect night in LA. It was so warm and nice. I felt Ravi wrap his arms around me again. We both looked at the stars.

R: So beautiful.

A: Yeah they are.

R: I wasn't talking about the stars.

He looked at me and kissed my lips. I pulled him closer and that small kiss turned into a huge makeout session. His hands were placed perfectly on my hips, and out lips were in perfect sync. I loved it when we were in sync with one another. It made the kiss even more special.

R: Come on. Let's go to bed.

A: Okay. Let me get changed.

I ran over to my bag and pulled out a pair of sweats and one of Ravi's Rovix hoodies. I walked into the bathroom to change while he just change infront of the bed. I walked over and laid down on my side. In a few moments, I felt Ravi wrap hos arms around me. I rolled over to snuggle into his chest and feel his heart beat. He kissed my lips one last time and looked into my eyes.

R: Good night my love

A: (smiles) Good night my Wonshik.

We both passed out within minutes.

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