Chapter 39

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~POV Alexa~

Omg I can't believe that Ravi actually proposed to me! I am the happiest girl in the world. This is one step closer to a future with him. I love him so much. Aish, but another day of work calls. We are all piled in the van. Ken and N are in the front, Hyuk Leo and Nana are in the back, and me Ravi and Hongbin are in the middle.

A: (looking at my ring)

R: Dude, you are going to crack it from looking at it so much.

A: No I'm not.

R: You're right, I bought the non-cracking kind. You can look at it all you want.

N: Alexa let me see. Ravi never showed me.

A: (hands it over to him)

N: Oh, that is so gorgeous.

A: Ain't it pretty? I am a happy person.

Nana: Can I see?

A: Sure, as soon as N is done looking at it. Please be careful with it.

N handed the ring over to Nana and she examined it. She wasn't paying attention, and dropped it!

A: No!!! Where did it go?

Nana: I don't know, I can't see it.

A: No! Omg Ravi, what am I going to do?

R: As soon as we get there, I will look for it.

A: Okay. It's never leaving my finger when we find it.

We finally reached Jellyfish, and I shooed everyone out of the car. Me and Ravi searched for it, and found it under Nana's seat. He went ahead and put it on my finger.

A: Thank you so much baby.

R: No problem. (Takes my hand) Come on, lets get inside.

I gave Ravi a quick peck and we were inside. Everyone was congratualting us on the engagement. I clocked myself in, and grabbed my clip board that had the evaluation sheets on it.

~POV Ravi~

Practice really has been killing me today. The new dance instructor was even more hardcore than Kim was. I didn't think that was even possible. Every now and again, I would catch a glimpse of Alexa evaluating us. She looked so bored.

~POV Alexa~

I find it horrible to tally up on thier performance. I finished and submitted my work to the CEO. He smiles and my ring catches his eye.

CEO: Ring didn't fit on anyother finger?

A: Engagement ring.

CEO: Congratulations! I am happy for you and Ravi.

A: Thank you. (Bows politely)

CEO: (looking over the sheets) The boys did good today.

A: Ne, they were extremely focused and on track. I really like this new dance instructor. He does a really good job.

CEO: Well, he has been instructing for almost 20 years now. I was surprised that we were able to get him. We had to battle YG for him.

A: Wow. Well, I am clocking out and going home. Good night.

CEO: Good night, and happy belated birthday.

A: Thank you.

I bow once more and get into the van with the rest of the boys. It begins to snow on the way home.

A: Aish! Snow! I am going to die.

R: What's wrong?

A: I hate snow.

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