Chapter 17

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~POV Ravi~

A: You want to go out? As in like in public?

N: Well yeah.

A: What if the STARLIGHTS see you guys.

R: It's fine. We have done it before.

L: Yeah no one even notices.

A: Okay well, can I go and get changed? I have stuff all over the front of my shirt and pants.

She walked into her room and was in there for a good 10 minutes. I forgot it takes her forever to find an outfit and change. She came out in black liquid leggings, a flowy blue shirt, and silver flats. Her hair was pinned in a bun and her bangs were in her face.

A: Is this too much.

R: (His jaw drops and is speechless)

L: No you look amazing (speaking for ravi)

Was that too much? Holy crap I haven't even seen her get dressed up like that since our first date. I thought she was just going to get into another pair of jeans and another shirt.

R: You look..........fancy.

A: Thank you Ravi.

H: Wow you are so pretty noona.

R: (turns and growls at Hyuk)

N: Easy there tiger.

B: Come on. Its getting late and we need to get back at a decent hour or manager will kill all of us.

N: Okay. I have the keys so lets go.

We all went outside and soon piled into the VIXX van. Alexa sat up in front with N playing mix cd's and being our DJ. She played a bit of SHINee, Super Junior, B.A.P, BIGBANG, and of course VIXX. Anytime a song came on and she knew the dance, she was dancing really crazy and trying to make the car ride enjoyable.

~POV Alexa~

I was trying to ease up the mood with the guys. They are so boring sometimes. I tried my best to play good music and have fun. It wasn't until we had reached our 3rd cd, everyone got excited becuase N's song was playing. He had to pull over and switch drivers just so he could do the dance. I have never seen a van full of guys that want to willingly dance to SNSD's I got a boy. Leo joined me in the front seat so N could dance with Ravi and Ken. Once the song ended, they got all sad.

A: Ravi, you never told me that you could do that dance.

R: It's one of my secrets.

B: You aren't supposed to keep secrets in a relationship Ravi.

A: It's okay. It's not the first time he ha tried to hide something from me. (Smirks at Ravi remembering his Hyde episode)

R: Yeah it was something stupid.

L: Well that's all in the past now.

After about a 30 minute drive, we finally reached a buffet.

A: Is this where we are eating?

L: Yeah. N picked it out.

N: Well we have like 3 people in here that eat their own weight.


N: It could be.

All: Ooooh BURN!

~POV Hongbin~

We finally reached our stop, but no one was getting out of the car! I didn't want to be in the back seat with Hyuk any longer.

B: Can we please get out of the van?

H: Yeah please. We are cramed back here.

Ravi finally got out and went to go open the door for Alexa. I flipped the seat up and crawled out of the back seat with Hyuk following right behind me.


Well, on the way here after the whole dancing thing, I texted manager to see if Alexa could join us on the tour. It took him about 10 minutes for him to finally agree. We got into the resturaunt and it was PACKED! I had my fingers crossed that we weren't going to run into a mob of STARLIGHTS. It took us a moment to get seated an get our drinks, but we were fine with the waiting period. When everyone got their food, I broke the news to the group.

N: So I talked to manager, and we cane to a decision that Alexa could join us on the tour.

A: (choaked on her food) You what!

N: You can come on the tour with us!

R: How did you get him to say yes?

N: Told him that Alexa has separation anxiety.

A: You are such a bad lier.

N: Well actually I am not lying. You do seem to have a problem when you are away from Ravi. He does the same thing. Plus I promised him a piece of cake from the dessert bar before we leave.

R: N you are a genius! Thank you so much!

L: Don't give him all the credit Kim Wonshik! I'm the one who gave him the idea.

R: Thank you Leo for your amazing idea. This is going to be the best tour ever!

We all began chattering and getting excited about the tour. We were excited to be getting on a plane an traveling the world to give our STARLIGHTS an amazing show and to provide good music for them. There is nothing better than preforming infront of a huge group of people.

R: Alexa, aren't you excited about the tour?

A: Of course I am Ravi, but it's just that, I............oh never mind.

R: What is it love?

A: Nothing.

H: No it's something.

A: Just leave it Hyuk.

B: What is it? You can tell us.


L: It's okay. I am the same way. Maybe we can sit together on the plane. You can have me on one side and Ravi on the other.

A: It's just during take off that I don't do so well. I'm really scared when we first leave the ground. After that, I am fine.

~POV Alexa~

I can't believe that I just told VIXX one of my greatest fears. I have never told anyone about my fear of flying. I hope that this dosen't change thier opinion on me.

~2 hours later~

We just came home, and the boys werw saying that they wanted to leave a week early so we can go sight seeing in the states before thier first concert. We begin packing tomorrow and leave Friday night. I am excited to be going back to the states, but nervous at the same time, because Korea has really changed me. I just hope I can adjust well to the culture changes along the way during the tour.

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