Chapter 19~ The Warehouse

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"Lucinda, Lucinda!" Penny yelled, running up to the witch.


"We need your help, can you enchant this?" Hiro held up the container.

"Why? And to do what?" Lucinda questioned.

"Experiment. Enchant to...find a thing, ya know?" Wilbur half lied.

"You know what, I don't care." Lucinda rolled her eyes and raised her wand. "Hectos diridatos blactos!"

"Thanks!" Penny smiled.

"Just say what you want to find, and it'll lead you there." Lucinda said and walked off.

"Do we really wanna do this? Monday? After school?" Violet said.

"Yeah, adventure!" Wilbur whooped.

"I don't see why not." Hiro shrugged.

"Well for starters it's a school night. We have to be back on campus by eight." Violet warned.

"No problem. It's six. We can make it." Penny smiled.

Violet gave in. They left hurriedly and followed were the little glowing light was heading.


It stopped at a place. A place that was all too familiar. Hiro and Penny were the first to see it, and they gazed at it. They glanced at each other.

"Are you sure this is it?" Penny asked.

Wilbur and Violet caught up. They took one look at the warehouse then looked back at Hiro.

"Maybe Lucinda's spell made an error or something..." Violet murmured.

"Guys, stop making up excuses. Just because Tadashi died in this very warehouse doesn't mean it's not where my creation is." There. He'd said it. This was the place where his brother had died.

"Okay." The other three said.

Whether you knew much about Hiro or not, everyone knew what happened to his brother Tadashi. It was everywhere. Fire. Hiro didn't know how. But Tadashi ended up taking the hit.

"I guess we go in." Wilbur tried to open a window.

Violet slipped through the window with no problem. Wilbur fell next to her, then Hiro and Penny climbed down.

Violet sighed. "Only you, Wilbur."

They were waking down a metal, dark path, and Penny stuck close to her friends.

"So...our first mission...what should we call ourselves? Mission Impossible? Ooh, that's good."

"Wilbur, you're so stupid!" Violet snapped, "we'd obviously be called the futuristic four." She smirked.

"Hey...that's actually a good name..." Hiro said.

They stopped when they came to a load of boxes. Wilbur and Penny tried to push some aside and Hiro checked what was in them.

"I have a weird feeling about all this..." Violet shivered.


"Wade, what is it?" Kim said frustratedly. "I was watching Jim read a book."

"Every other guy in the library's doing it, yet Jim seems to be special." Ron rolled his eyes.

"It's important!" Wade's voice echoed from the phone.

"Okay, okay. What's the sitch?" She asked.

"So there's been some weird stuff going around. Don't know exactly what, but I located the source. This warehouse. I don't know if there's some infrared waves coming from it."

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