Chapter 73~ Feelings Are Complicated

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It was Wednesday morning, and Hiro and Tiger Lily had finished their project. Just in time too because it was due. It'd been quite tense lately, he felt like everybody knew about his friend situation, and Tiger Lily seemed confused lately. He didn't understand.

"It looks good," Tiger Lily said quietly.

Hiro nodded.

Tiger Lily sighed and turned to Hiro. "I don't mean to sound weird Hiro, but...why haven't you asked me to be your girlfriend yet? Is there something you're waiting for?"

Hiro shifted his weight from one foot to another. He didn't know what he was waiting for.

"I...I'm just not ready."

"Ready for what? A girlfriend? It's really no different."

Here it was. The peer pressure Tadashi always warned him would come.

Hiro just shrugged. "I..."

Tiger Lily looked away from him. "It's Penny, isn't it?"

"No," Hiro said, though it came out like a whisper.

Tiger Lily nodded. "Yes it is. Even if you don't like her, you're confused, so you're holding back."

Hiro sighed. "I like you a lot Tiger Lily. I mean, I..."

"You used to. Did I bore you?"

"No! That's not it at all!" Hiro stuttered.

Tiger Lily giggled and gave a sad smile. "It's okay. You can figure yourself out."

They sat next to each other in silence, waiting for other students to enter the class.

Tiger Lily looked at their project. "I hope we get an A."


Elsa was surprised yesterday evening when she saw flowers on her bedside table.

She was too tired to pay attention to it, so she had ended up falling asleep.

Elsa had no classes Wednesday morning. After breakfast, she took a better look at the flowers.

Hey, I was thinking maybe we could go out somewhere for lunch tomorrow? ~J. F

Elsa reread the card. Was he serious? He had a lot of guts asking out a Queen. And since this was sent yesterday, he probably wanted to go out in a few hours.

She shouldn't. Going into a relationship was no good. He would not be a good King for Arendelle, there was simply no point in leading him on.

She heard a knock on her door. That couldn't be him right? It wasn't even twelve o'clock!

"Elsa? Are you in there?"

Elsa calmed down. It was just Anna. "Yes."

Anna entered, taking her usually seat on Elsa's spare bed. She took one look at the flowers and smirked.

"Oh, you had a visitor?"

"Yes, I did. You don't happen to have anything to do with this, right?"

"I may have played a minor role."

Elsa sighed. "Anna..."

"You like him don't you! So go out with him! It's easy."

"No, it's not." Elsa shook her head. "Do you have any idea what it means to be Queen Anna? You can't just go off with random college boys."

"But you're a random college girl to him."

"That doesn't matter! The relationship won't go anywhere, because Jack can't be King!"

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