Chapter 39

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This has crossed my mind before, but I realized that in Peter Pan 2, Wendy grows up and is married to this guy named Edward, has a daughter named Jane, and a son named Johnny. So I'd rather not have Peter and Wendy date. I have other plans for Peter.

Elsa didn't stop thinking about what Jack said. A part of her wished they could still be friends.

But the better part knew they couldn't. Not after she'd messed things up.

"You know Elsa, if you care that much, you could just make up with him." Anna said.

Elsa shrugged. "I don't even want to face him again. But I will tell him sorry."

"And how will you do that without facing him?"

"I'll text him."

"Saying sorry over text isn't really the best way to handle things..." Anna said.

"Well luckily, I'm not looking for the best way." Elsa shoved her phone into her pocket.

Anna sighed. "Sometimes you're so difficult Elsa."


"Hey, Cinderella? Can I ask something?" Lucinda walked up to her.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Do you most of the DreamWorks students?"

"Yes. Any particular reason for asking that question?" Cinderella gave a sly smile.

"You probably know Wendell. He's a wizard. Somebody hired him from DreamWorks Academy to enchant something."

You could almost see Cinderella's ears perk up.

"This is new news to me!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, we kinda just figured it out yesterday. We're wondering...if you could somehow get your hands on DreamWorks Academy's order forms. Unless it's illegal. Then I can ask Hiro or something..."

Cinderella waved her hand. "Hey, they hexed. If I don't get caught, which I probably won't, all will be fine."

Wow. Lucinda never saw Cinderella as the type to do something illegal. She was not just a prissy princess. She was totally cool!

"I'll update you later!" Cinderella said and left Lucinda standing in the hallway.


"Hey! Christopher, Arthur! Check this out!" Peter yelled.

Christopher Robin and Arthur Pendragon, or Wart, as Christopher liked to call him, turned around and looked at Peter.

"A reason you're yelling our names Peter?" Arthur asked.

"Yes, in fact, there is! Christopher's birthday is soon right? And as the best friend in the world, guess what I did?" Peter smiled coyly.

"What?" Christopher asked out of curiosity.

"Tickets to Disneyland!!!" Peter whooped and waved the tickets in the air like a prize.

"Are you serious?" Arthur snatched the tickets from his hands to check if they were real.

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