⛧⛧⛧ I ⛧⛧⛧

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13th of August 1996

Late evening in hospital when darkness is pierced by woman's screams.

"It's a girl!" nurse smiled.



Nothing seemed wrong.

Katherine was a normal 4year old.

Her parents were proud and happy about Katie. That's what they loved to call her as a child.

As some of the children her age Katherine had few imaginary friends. Starting with mermaids and fairies till people her age. The fondest of her friend was the one that always was standing behind her and not really showing his face. He was constantly there but most of his time didn't speak. Katherine just knew that he was there. Also girl had no idea how he looked like or how old he was not to speak that it could be creepy from time to time.

~Oh, baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends

I'm a king and you're a queen and we will stumble through heaven~

Katie's grandparents always called her a little devil, because child tended to be devious and rebellious. Although Katie always said that her 'friends' made her do it, only made grown-ups adore her more and easily forgive the girl.

Summer of 2013

Katie, admittedly she liked that she was called Kate, loved to spend her summer days visiting dad's grandparents in country side. This year was no exception.

It was getting late and fog took over all the fields. Cuckoo bird starting its daily singing. Making country side that much more relaxing and romantic.

After washing her feet at the river down the hill Kate run up the rock stairs to get inside because dreadful rain clouds could be seen above the forest.

Before going to bed, Kate loved to go up to attic to watch the moon starting it's ascendance from the dark forest trees. Later, when the moon was showing its horns, girl went back to her bedroom.

Everything was fine until girl looked into the mirror.

And that's when everything went spiraling down...


Hey, oh , look a brand new story!

p.s. check  EmmaAlexandriaBauer

because she is the genius behind the cover. God, I love it, I mean, Satan, I love it!

Enjoy this little shit!


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