⛧⛧⛧IX ⛧⛧⛧

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After asking Lucifer about the guy she was crushing on, he didn't answer and just disappeared for the day.

Was it that bad? Yes, she said that she doesn't need His opinion in this matter, but somehow she trusted His judgment even if it sounded so wrong.

You know the saying: mention of devil and he will appear? Yeah, well this time it wasn't Lucifer but her "crush".

"Hi, I just saw this cute girl standing here and thought what could be her name." the guy smiled at her and read her name tag. Of course he didn't know her name if she didn't have a chance to serve him at the café.

"Katherine. Nice to meet you. I'm Mathew." He extended his hand and Kate shook it.

"Hi, but please call me Kate." She smiled. Lucifer was only one who actually called her by her full name and somehow she didn't mind that.

"Kate. I like it. Short and catchy." He smiled. And in next half an hour they had a nice conversation, learning about each other. After the work Kate went home with one more contact in her phone.

When she was getting ready for bed, only then she remembered about Lucifer. And walking to the full-length mirror once again Kate looked into it.

"Lucifer?" she silently asked. Nothing.

"The fuck do you do to get Satan appear now?" she cursed under her nose.

"What?" suddenly came a replay from a mirror indicating Devils presence in this room.

"Hi, mister Devil. You didn't answer my question at the café and just left, why?" Kate asked straight forward.

"Reasons." Lucifer answered and putted his hands in pockets.

"There's always 'reasons, Katherine'. I want a solid answer Lucifer. For once." Kate demanded. That made Lucifer to tap his foot in impatience.

"So your judgmental personality again had something to say about Mathew?" Kate continued. Lucifer new very well who was Mathew; he had been doing his research.

"No, Katherine. You didn't see what I did." Lucifer said before she could say anything else.

"Like what?"

"He wasn't alone. He was with a female." Lucifer explained.

"I didn't see any female with him." Kate defended.

"You don't see angels and neither does he." Lucifer draw halo above his head with a hand.

"You mean he's just like me?" Kate was surprised and elated.

"Except Jophiel is angel and I'm not." Lucifer continued.

"We have so much in common." Kate talked more to herself than Lucifer.

"He doesn't know about her existence, Katherine. And you shouldn't have too." Lucifer winced at the last sentence he said.

"I already know about you, so what do I have to lose?" Kate asked.

"Besides who would ever believe a girl who was in rehab because her friend Devil can see angels behind some people." When she said it something clicked in her head.

"Lucifer?" she looked at him as he was fishing cigarette out of pack.

"Hm?" he hummed and lighted the cigarette.

"If you see angels behind people, does that mean that angels see you behind me?" Kate asked and eyed Lucifer.

"Yes." He answered as he blew out smoke. Kate could swear that she smelled the smoke in her room.

"Do they always see you behind me?" She wanted to make things clear.

Lucifer took long drag before answering her question.

"No. As I don't always see them." But I tend to stay around longer than you think. He wanted to say but didn't.

"So this, Jopiel, who's she?" Kate wanted to know more about female angel.

"Jophiel." Corrected Lucifer.

"Beautiful sister of mine." Lucifer snarled as he blew out more smoke that enveloped around him.

"She's supposed to be angel of wisdom, understanding and judgment. So I am not the judge-y one in family." Lucifer explained more.

"God, I would love to meet her. She sounds amazing." Kate tapped her chin.

"If you're asking Him for a chance to meet an angel... well... Good luck." Lucifer tapped ash off of his cigarette. It fell to the floor but before it could reach it, ash evaporated into thin air.

"Is that all for tonight?" he asked looking into the watch he had on his hand. Kate merely nodded.

"Pleasant dreams, Katherine." Lucifer bid farewell and was gone from mirror. Kate looked at mirror once more. Only smoke of his cigarette still lingered in reflection. Until it disappeared too.

But in her head stayed one thought only: she kind of has met an angel...

Small smile was playing on her lips as she went to bed.


Having my fair share of FOB music right now, singing on top of my lungs.

Oh, llok new angel in the mix. And sorry, I know that Jophiel some places are man somewhere woman. So... yeah... Meet this pretty girl...

Finding pics for header is always funny...

Just enjoy this chapter.

it's little too late but I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU FOR 100+ READS, PEOPLE YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!


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