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Lucifer wanted to say when Kate's phone rang once more.

"What is it again?" Kate grumbled and looked at the phone. Her frown turning into the smile upon looking at the ID.

"Hey Mathew? Calling so soon?" Kate giggled. Lucifer just raised eyebrow.

"Of course, you know I can't stay away long from you." Mathew said in a low voice. Kate bit her lip and looked at Lucifer. Why did she do that?

"You left some things in my car and so I thought maybe you could come over to my place and get them?" Mathew suggested. Shit! He's right; her folder with doctor's notes and prescriptions and pills were not clearly with her.

"Fuck. How did I forget them?" Kate said and sighted rolling her eyes.

"I think you were pretty distracted on car ride home." Mathew chuckled.

"How about I come around later?" Kate said and let her hand through her hair.

"I like this idea very much." Mathew stressed word 'very'.

"See you in about two hours? I have few things to deal with." Kate said and glanced at Lucifer again. He looked at her confused. What was she planning on doing?

"Yeah. Sure. See you later, babe." Mathew smiled and call ended.

"What did I do this time?" Lucifer asked with distaste.

"I am more thinking about what will you do." Kate mused and got up from the bed.

"Well, I had nothing planned until you mentioned it." Lucifer shrugged.

"Really? Why don't I believe you?" Kate narrowed her eyes at him.

"The rule was 'no funny business'." He said. Kate looked taken back. Did he really just? Was he following the rules now? Even she herself had forgotten about them. As if he could read minds he said:

"Yes, I remember. I am the Devil after all."

"And being the Devil that you are, why should I believe that you are going to play nice?" Kate side eyed him.

"When I don't play nice?" Lucifer smirked at her. Kate blushed. That was new.

"Are you... blushing?" Lucifer asked before Kate could do anything about it.

"No. Of course not!" Kate dismissed it.

"I am hundred percent sure that you did." Lucifer laughed.

"So?!" Kate crossed her hands atop of her breasts and shrugged embarrassed by her blushing which led to more blushing.

"I like it. Looks nice on you." Lucifer smiled and cocked his head to side. Kate had no words. Her hands fell limp at her sides and she just looked at him.

"T-Thank you." Kate barely whispered. It was enough for Lucifer to hear.

"Well, you're very welcome." Lucifer smiled. Kate was looking at him.

"What now?" Lucifer asked when she was still looking at him.

"No one usually says compliments to me." Kate sighted silently.

"And your Mathew?" Lucifer said not at ease while saying his name.

"He does, but..." She started.

"But what?" Lucifer wanted to know.

"They are not the same. He says them as if he is obligated to say those things. Like, he means them, but mostly to, like, make himself sure that I am like he has described or something. I never actually blush at him compliments. Like, they are the cliché things to say. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate them and they make feel as if he cares about me more than he likes to admit. And, and- -" Kate ranted waving her hands in frustrated manner. Lucifer actually caught one thing that surprised him the most.

"He doesn't make you blush? What kind of a man is he?" he mumbled to himself. Kate looked at him.

"What was that?" she asked.

"Nothing. Enjoy your trip to this Mathew's house." He smiled politely and disappeared from the mirror.

"Yeah, sure, thanks." Kate looked confused.


This one is a shorty.

Sorry for the errors

I got a bloddy damned sun burn!!! I fuckinghate sun sometimes, reason why I love rain and storms...


I don't mind you under my skin ➳| Lucifer MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now