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Next time when Mathew came in the dark room there was no mirror with him only food and pills. If that didn't put a frown on Kate's face then she had no idea what could.

"Not gonna even say hi to your boyfriend?" Mathew chuckled and putted tray of food on the ground.

"Good morning, day, afternoon, evening, night. Not that I am one to know the time." Kate spat at him and tried to rearrange her dirty clothes.

"Well it's lunch time." Mathew smiled at her.

"So you feed me once a day at lunch time?" Kate mused.

"Yes. You need energy don't you?" Mathew retored.

"Yes. Clearly once a day is enough." Came sarcastic reply from girl.

"Watch your tone, Kate." Mathew warned.

"Or what?! You gonna hit me again? Maybe throw me around the room? Or.. Or poke me some more with knife?" Kate yelled and counted on her fingers.

"You should be glad that you are alive, Kate." Mathew sighted.

"Now get to eating. I don't have all day." Mathew groaned. Kate stayed silent. What could she possibly do? She wasn't at the best health right now. Slowly sitting on the floor Kate cautiously reached for piece of bread. Swallowing the dry food Kate brought her eyes up to Mathew who impatiently was tapping floor with his left foot.

"What?" Mathew barked. Kate looked down again.

"I was just wondering..." Kate said quietly.

"About?" Mathew crossed his arms on his chest.

"About the mirror..." She answered. Truth be told, she now thought that getting a mirror was impossible.

"It will be around soon enough." Mathew said absentmindedly. So there is a chance for it?

"Are you done with your food?" Mathew asked soon after. The tray was barely half empty. Swallowing the last piece of food she could grab before he asked that, Kate nodded her head. Honestly, she wasn't even close to be done eating.

"Open up." Mathew said. Kate was kneeling on the floor in front of Mathew and opening her mouth. She felt like a whore. Closing her eyes she held her breath. Mathew leaned closer to her grabbing her chin gently.

"You look so hot right now." He mumbled. Kate shivered, pleading to whom ever be listening, that he didn't take it any further than his thoughts.

"Your medicine." He said and putted four pills in her open mouth, and with a gentle push on her chin he closed her mouth.

"Swallow." Mathew said small smile playing on his lips. Kate opened her eyes but didn't swallow the medicine.

"For me." He asked smiling at her and looking in her light eyes. Kate swallowed the damned pills and stared back at him. His eyes turning darker. Kate wanted to get away from him, now! Taking stronger hold of her chin and grabbing her small frame with other, Mathew pulled her up and crushed his lips to hers. Kate tried to push him away, but the way he was holding her tight against him, made it impossible.

"Come on, I know you want to..." Mathew mumbled against her lips, soon attacking her neck.

"No! Get away!" Kate yelled and trashed in his arms.

"I can't forget about your lips since I kissed you." He said in her ear.

"Don't! Please! I beg of you!" Kate whimpered not holding her tears in anymore. Still relentless in her trashing. Mathew groaned and, pushing her away, he rolled his eyes at her.

"Yeah, well, it's more fun if you are willing." He pointed at her. She shook her head.

"How the hell can you do this?! Has Jophiel no say it the actions you do?!" Kate yelled and whipped her mouth in her hands.

"Jophiel?" Mathew questioned. Right know Kate didn't care if she wasn't supposed to know that.

"I know that she's there!" Kate pointed at Mathew.

"You must be insane." Mathew said and raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Hundred percent sure that she is there right now!" Kate said seriously.

"There? Jophiel? Who are you talking about?" Mathew didn't understand. Was she really crazy?

"Here! She has to be here." Kate said and circled around Mathew.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Kate and Mathew both looked at it. At the same time girl tried to get further away from door.

"What?!" Mathew barked. There was a sound that indicated that the door was being opened.

"Boss. There is some lady saying that she knows ya." Somebody said.

"Who's she?" Mathew asked.

"Not sure, but she calls herself... what was it?.." person seemed to think for a moment.

"For the love of God, spit it out!" Mathew rolled his eyes.

"She called herself Jophiel?" person said. Mathew looked at Kate with raised eyebrow. Kate just stared at the door with shocked expression all over her face.

"Say that I will be there shortly." Mathew answered still looking at Kate. The doors shut close again.

"I will talk to you later, Kate." Mathew said in dangerously low voice. Kate looked at him and swallowed.

She's screwed.

That's not it.

She's fucking dead.

Who is Jophiel and why she is here?



Jophiel's back, bitches! Wait... Jophiel is BACK?!

Enjoy this grammar error!

FYI- this book is oing to be 34 chapters long. So please say if you are up for book 2 (gonna post it anyways, maybe not here, haven't decided).

Watching- Botched

Listening- Victorious by Panic! At The Disco (RAC mix)

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