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After her talk with Mathew Kate rushed to finish work and run home.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God..." Kate mumbled all the way back home.

Running in her room Kate briefly stopped by the mirror. Grabbed red lipstick and wrote on:


Then she looked around her little flat. Kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Real fucking estate.

"I am so fucked..." she thought out loud. Kate didn't realize that she had been standing in front of a mirror for a while.

"Lucifer? Are you there?" she asked to mirror. Nothing.

"Come on 'Cifer! I need you!" Kate impatiently looked around.

"Like right now!" she whined. Next second Lucifer appeared in mirror hands behind his back. His dark eyes scanned the red lipstick letters.

"Called?" He emotionlessly looked at her.

"I have a problem. A major problem." She said. He nodded his head as asking for her to continue.

"I kind of told Mathew that we could have pizza night at MY place." Kate explained. Lucifer didn't answer.

"Do you see my problem?" she continued. She saw Lucifer thinking so Kate sighted and explained further.

"My flat is so small that it will look like I am trying to pull him in bed which I definitely don't want to. At least not now." She shrugged at last part.

"Do you see my problem now, Lucifer?" she looked at him. Lucifer wanted to say that she should cancel her 'second date' but thought better and kept his mouth shut. He putted his hands in pants pockets. Realizing that there, in right pocket, were keys. He looked at them and rolled his eyes when an idea came to him.

"What should I do?!" Kate paced around her small bedroom.

Lucifer cleared his throat obtaining girls attention. Kate stood opposite him.

"Keys are on the bed. Address is written on a piece of paper next to them. Your bedroom is first door on right. And don't touch my bar." Lucifer listed all the things nonchalantly.

Kate barely grabbed anything what he said and turned around to look at her bed. And indeed there on bed were the mentioned items which weren't there before.

"How?" she barely whispered. She looked at the keys and note. Seeing address her mouth hangs open. Then she looked at the keys. There was one key with number 666 on it which she assumed were the key she needed. Second were cars keys, and two others that she didn't know what their purposes were.

"So... What are these other keys?" she asked him.

"None of your business, right?" he gave her annoyed smile.

"Okay. And the car?"

"Also none of your business." answered Devil.

"Don't lose them. I want them back by tomorrows 10 o'clock. Understood?" Lucifer pointed finger at her.

"Fine, fine. How... Where should I leave them?" this concept seemed difficult for Kate.

"Leave them where you took them from." Was his simple answer.

"Okay... Why do you have these?" Kate indicated to all keys.

"Devil needs his share of fun too, doesn't he?" He smiled even thought it was stiff.

"Is that all?" he said soon after and all emotions were drained from his face once again.

"Yes. Thanks." She said and smiled at him then shyly looked down at keys in her hands. He nodded and wanted to disappear when Kate's whisper stopped him.

"Amm... Lucifer?... will you... Will you be looking over me?" Kate hopefully looked at the King of Hell which, in her opinion, had greater things to do then look after this mortal girl.

"You know that I am not your guardian." He said harshly, bored by the fact that he needed to remind her again. Girl nodded and looked down again.

"But, yes, I will be looking over you." He finally sighted. Kate let out unsteady breath that she didn't know she held. Devil looked at the girl who suddenly looked so fragile and shy before him.

"Is that all, Katherine?" he spoke softly now.

"Yes, thank you, Lucifer." She gave him a small smile.

Lucifer nodded and glanced at the red lipstick again, then disappeared.

Kate sighted and looked at the mirror. Taking a napkin she cleaned the red letters off.

"Good luck me. I will need it so I don't burn that damned pizza." She laughed to herself. Grabbing piece of paper with address and keys Kate was ready to explore this flat that Lucifer owns.


About the flat. It's not his penthouse above Lux. It's other flat, used for other purposes. maybe I use penthouse in other chapters in further future.

Reminder, just the looks, mostly AU.


you know that feeling when u r so close to be done with highschool and leaving it forever! I am here like adios bitchachos!

Because of that, I maybe wont be able to post for next two or three days but I will try to find some spare time to post because I really want to finish this story.


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