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I'm just gonna put this here right quick.

Lucifer in these books (hmm it is in plural) might look OC from time to time, so just bare with me, ok? Mostly I just took his looks from Lucifer Fox, sooo...

Let the fun begin! >

Current time

Somehow Kate had managed to survive with the devil inside her head. From time to time it became irritating or tiring but Lucifer was always there to explain how useful he could be. That didn't make things better.

You know that awkward moment when you are done with high school and need to decide what to do next? Well, Kate was dealing with this struggle kind of right now. And Lucifer's constant presence in her head didn't help either.

'How about, you take a break from school... for a... ever?' Lucifer's voice chided in her head as girl was visiting some universities.

'I need to do something with my life 'Cifer. You wouldn't like that I am nagging all the time without stopping, right?' Kate said in her head and smirked at his nickname that she had given him.

'Stop calling me like that.' Lucifer groaned.

'How about no? Besides, you like it when I call you like that.'

After that, devil didn't answer anymore. Kate wondered where he was at moments like these. Maybe she is really just going insane?

For her, school was still in session, but she needed to find some university of sorts. She really wanted to become artist, but her dad said that you can't earn enough money for living if you aren't world known artist. Yeah, well, he didn't know that Kate had her own web page with online shop. And honestly she had made some pretty good money. At least, enough to buy drawing tablet and new paints. Then there was Lucifer who constantly asked for her to draw naked girls.

This once led to an interesting conversation between two of them. Kate was sitting at her desk and looking into the mirror in front of her, trying to understand how to draw certain angle for head and hand movement.

'Why don't you draw yourself?' Lucifer had asked.

"I'm just making reference sheet, Lucifer. Besides I have no time to draw myself." Kate had come so accustom with Lucifer's voice in her head that she sometimes tended to speak out loud to him even though no one could hear him.

'But why can't you find time and draw your own portrait. For example, naked?' he asked with no shame, whatsoever.

"My drawings are not a place where you can ogle on naked girls, Lucifer. Please, understand that." Kate sighted and started to make light sketch. This conversation made Kate start to wonder.

"Have you seen...? Aamm... Lucifer, have you seen me naked?" Kate carefully asked. She looked behind her in her full length mirror. Where she saw Lucifer grinning until he started to laugh.

"No, of course, not." He said through laughing. Kate did want to believe him but right now she couldn't.

"I am telling truth." He said seriously when he saw fear behind girl's eyes.

"When I'm talking in your head, I can't see you." He continued.

"What about mirrors?" Kate inclined her towards the big mirror.

"If you stand naked in front of it then I might see. But from the time I have known you I learned that you have more decency than that, Katherine." Lucifer explained in calm tone.

"So, you haven't seen me naked?" she asked just to be clear.

"As I said, no." He answered her question.

"I might be The Devil, but I have respect for you. Even though, I am stuck here in your head." King of Hell continued and then disappeared from mirror before Kate could ask anything else.

That day Kate learned couple more things about the King of Hell. First, Devil hasn't seen her naked which was a relief. Second, he called her decent. And lastly, Lucifer respected her. And with the last one she could live with.


Oh, look, he has manners. xDDD

Mr. Morningstar, are ya nasty?              <-- Get it? No? Okay, I see myself out.

Sorry, void people, that this is kind of short but I need chapters like this to make story on-going, ya know what I mean? Anyways...



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