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~I found the savior

I don't think that he remembers

'Cause he's off to pay his crimes

And he's got no time for mine. ~

In the morning

Kate slept through three of her alarms. Nasty side effect of the pills. When the fourth went off Kate tiredly got out of the bed. Not really remembering last night's talk with Lucifer. Another bad side effect. She yawned and rolled around in bed. Once again enjoying the smell of it.

"I have to get up... up..." she groaned and rolled off the bed to stumble to the bathroom. This is going to be long day. Yesterday Kate explained to Mathew that today she could be difficult and unbearable and hard to handle. He had answered that he's up to it if it will make her feel better afterwards. Nine pm came around rolling and soon after there was a knock on the door indicating that Mathew probably was here. Kate pulled her box of a flesh to the door and opened it. There she was greeted by Mathew holding orange lilies in front of him.

Oh, those ugly flowers.

She scrunched up her nose for a moment and then smiled at him.

"Hey..." she said in a quiet tone and took flowers from him.

"Hi. I thought that you could use some cheering up before your visit to the doc." Mathew smiled.

"Yes. Thank you." She was grateful for this small gesture even if these were the worst flowers he could get for her. But he didn't know that so all is good.

"I'm just gonna put these in a vase and grab my stuff and we are ready to go." Kate said and narrowed her eyes. God, she did hate her state right now.

"Come in." she continued and let him in.

The problem right now was that she had no idea where she could find a vase. If I would be Lucifer, where would I keep all of my vases? Kate wondered. Then went to kitchen and fished out of a cupboard the biggest glass there was. Correction, it was a water pitcher.

"This will do... for now." She said under her nose in a grumpy tone. She felt as if she was done with all world and wanted to burn it just for fun. Woah, that was something new.

"Can we go? Are you ready?" Mathew asked her when she was putting on her jacket and grabbing her purse.

"Ye. Let's goooo...." She yawned.

At the hospital

Mathew looked around trying to understand what kind of doctor Kate could be visiting.

"Miss Andrews?" nurse called Kate's last name.

"Yes?" Kate looked up at her.

"Dr. Wolker is waiting for you in her office." Nurse smiled at her. Kate just nodded and got up.

"Good luck." Mathew said.

"Thanks." Kate smiled at him and went to the office.

In office

"Hello, Katie." Smiled doctor once girl had taken seat in front of her.

"Hi." Kate smiled. She didn't wish to be here.

"How are you today?" doctor asked. And now the hard part. Every innocent question could be used against her if she answered it wrong.

"I would say that I am feeling good. Little tired, working a lot." Girl answered.

"Oh. And where are you working?" woman asked her while taking some notes.

"At the café." Was Kate's simple answer.

"Still using prescribed medicine?" doctor asked as it wasn't big of a deal. At this moment Kate wanted to yell. Doctor obviously didn't know how much she hated them.

"Yes. But I feel that I should take lesser doses." Kate tried to say.

"Well, everything in due time." Doctor smiled and looked at girl briefly. So no way of getting rid of the pills.

"Have you heard some voices that are not yours?" Wolker asked.


"Have you seen some odd shapes in mirrors since the last meeting?" doctor continued.


"Have you been having urges to talk to Him?" was next question.

"No." Kate lied. Yes... her own greedy voice said in her head. What's wrong with her today?

"How is your sleeping?"

"I sleep fine." Girl shrugged.

"Okay, Katie. Let's run some tests now, alright?" doctor asked. Kate just nodded.

After about two hours Kate was free to go.

"How are you feeling?" Mathew asked when both of them were in his car on way home.

"Doing a lot better since that is over." Kate sighted in relief.

"Why do you need to have these yearly appointments?" Mathew asked out of curiosity.

"Remember when I told you about the moment in my life when I was in a hospital?" Kate started not sure if she wanted to continue.

"Yes. What about it?" Mathew's eyes were glued to the road.

"Well, because of that incident I 'needed' help from doctors. And because of that traumatic experience I need those yearly checkups." Kate explained as best as she could.

"It is because of that friend, isn't it?" Mathew asked and looked at her for a second the returning back to the road.

"Yes and no." Kate shrugged. Right know she didn't feel like blaming Lucifer.

"That's a really shitty thing to do as a friend." Mathew admitted.

"Yeah, well, I didn't know him when that happened." Kate defended.

"How did you even end up with a friend like that? Shouldn't you despise him?" Mathew didn't understand. Technically you can despise Devil. But from rational matter, not really. He's kind of everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"Like I have said, we are kind of stuck together now." Kate rolled her eyes.

"Changing the topic. Do you use those pills every day? Because it's the first time I see you like this." Mathew wanted to know. Should she tell him?

"From time to time. But keep it secret." Kate mumbled.

"It's safe with me, Kate. You can trust me." Mathew said and looked at her.

"I trust you." Kate looked at him. Mathew smiled at her and grabbed her hand. Looking back at the road he gently held her hand until she was home safe.


Serious question now:

How many would actually go for book two?

Don't worry, there is a lot to come for this book too. Not done yet.


P.S. Sorry for grammar errors, they all are mine.


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