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WARNING! Content may be triggering, hinting towards sex n' stuff, violence, drugs!!!

Read at your own risk and stay safe!


Sleep that night didn't come easy for Kate. And the consumption of the alcohol before didn't help calming her mind. When finally she fell in some kind of state of sleep all she could see was red and the feeling of burning passion.

~Last night we were way up, kissing in the back of the cab

And then you say, "love, baby let's go back to my flat~

She was lying on a rich looking bed. That didn't seem to be known or seen before. Everything was okay until she realized lack of clothing. That being said none at all. Also the fact that she wasn't alone sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. Wave of hot spread over her body and pooled at her lower abdomen upon feeling someone's hand at her hip. As if opening her eyes for the first time ever she saw somebody leaning over her naked body. But before she could look at person's face, hot breath was on her neck. Letting out strangled moan her hands slid down her sides gripping sheets in process. Her body was going on its own accord and somehow her mind was on its own too. Hand that was firmly holding her hip went lower until reached between her legs. Eyes wide and mouth agape, she couldn't speak. The want and need and pure pleasure clouding her mind.

"Oh, my Lord!" strangled moan finally left her. Lustful chuckle could be heard near her ear.

"'Lucifer' will do just fine, darling." Devil Himself corrected with a grin, letting his skillful fingers dance around her heated core.

"Don't tease... please!" she begged.

"How shocking, she pleads." Lucifer chuckled darkly. Allowing his fingers move faster, he leaned down to capture her lips in passionate kiss.

"Very much so..." She whispered seductively between kisses, finally letting her one hand wrap around his broad shoulders. This only made him snicker and plant feverish kisses where her shoulder meets neck. Letting out breathy moan, rush of courage took over her and her other hand slowly made its way down his stomach. But before her hand could reach desired goal everything went dark.

Kate shot up straight in bed from her vivid dream, covered in sweat, throwing away all blankets. Turning on light she looked at the mirror where Lucifer appeared. With same heavy breathing and sweaty look matching hers. He was wearing just sweatpants and nothing else, hair disheveled. And Kate found it sexy as hell. She only feared that he might know about this dream.

"Katherine..." Lucifer sighted with his voice hoarse letting unsteady hand through his hair. Her name alone from his lips confirmed that he indeed knew about it.

"Lucifer.. I.. I." Kate tried to say in steady voice but failed. Couple of times just opening and closing her mouth in search for words. Room seemed silent except for their heavy breathing.

"I can... I can explain." Kate tried again this time voice a bit steadier. Lucifer just shook his head.

"What?" Kate asked scratching back of her neck. Thought of his lips from dream still strong in her head. Before Lucifer could explain there was a knock at the door. Indicating of a visitor. Her's and Lucifer's head snapped in direction of sound.

"What the--?" Kate furrowed her brows. It was pass midnight. There was second knock, this time more urgent. Kate swallowed and glanced at Lucifer.

"Kate!" she could hear muffled voice call her name from outside of her small flat. Kate slowly reached for her satin robe and stood up from bed. Lucifer just putted his finger against his lips as if saying to stay quiet.

I don't mind you under my skin ➳| Lucifer MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now