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A/N:!!!! Just want to give a small warning for this chapter, people react differently to different things, so...!!!

Kate was confused. But happy about the fact that the pills were finally out of her system. Having some quick make shift lunch (of course it's make shift, she was in Lucifer's flat and Kate haven't bought a lot, so) she took taxi to Mathew's place. She knocked on his door; talk with Lucifer still playing in her head. What did he say?

"Hey." Kate said as doors opened.

"Hello, sweet lady." Mathew chuckled.

"So I left something in your car..." Kate stated.

"Yep. Come in." Mathew let her in flat. Suddenly Kate was pushed against the wall.

"M-Mat-heww?" Kate stuttered.

"You know that you look so hot right now?" Mathew whispered in low tone and grabbed her ass.

"I-I don't understand..." Kate whispered not so sure about herself now. Mathew leaned down and kissed her neck.

"D-Don't ..." Kate tried to speak.

"Shhhsh." Mathew tried to calm her down by kissing her jaw. Kate let out unwanted moan.

"Please- -" She was interrupted when Mathew kissed her on lips, way too passionately for her liking. Kate putted her hands on his chest trying to push him away.

"Stop!" Kate yelled finally getting free from his lips; whipping her mouth in jacket's sleeve. She was gasping for air and so was Mathew. His eyes clouded by lust.

"Can I just have my stuff?" Kate asked and looked anywhere except at Mathew. He rolled his shoulders and answered:

"Sorry. Of course you can have them." He turned to go and retrieve her stuff.

"Here." He said after the moment returning.

"Thank you." Kate answered in small voice. She wasn't accustomed with rushing things like this.

"Look, Kate, sweetheart, I am sorry. Truly, I am. You just look so good and I couldn't stop myself." Mathew apologized. Kate just nodded and obnoxiously waited when she will have a chance to leave.

"Kate, hey, look." Mathew said and wanted to touch her chin when girl flinched away from him.

"Babe, I am sorry. Please forgive me." Mathew pleaded.

"Let's just forget about it, okay?" Kate nodded and clutched her things closer to her chest.

"Yes, of course!" Mathew seemed happy.

"Can- - Can I please go now." Kate shuffled closer to the door.

"Sure." Mathew shrugged and opened door for her.

"We are alright, aren't we?" he asked one last time when Kate was standing outside of his house. She nodded.

"Good. Till the next time, babe." Mathew said and kissed her forehead. Kate slightly flinched and frowned at that.

"Yes." She gave him a fake smile then turned around to catch taxi. Heart racing faster that F1 formula car. With trembling hands she climbed in taxi and went home. All the way home tears were threatening to fall from her once happy eyes. At least Mathew didn't know where her small flat was.


Sorry for not updating yesterday. I had little trip to city. Also, I don't have blond hair anymore! I HAVE BLUE HAIR NOW!!! Of course not the first time I have that color, but GOd I love it!! By the way rn I am so in love with Imagine Dragons song Walking The Wire!!! So good...

So here, have this small chapter!

Thank you guys for 400+ reads!!!


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