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After that Kate was left alone. Just her and Lucifer. Well, she couldn't actually see Him yet but she was close to it. And right now she was sitting in front of the mirror and waiting when the pills will finally wear off and she see the Devil after this long ass time.

Kate had been sitting for a while silently humming some tune to herself. She was alone with her thoughts and humming until a voice in her head said:

'And now it is stuck in my head too.'

"Lucifer!" Kate yelled in excitement and stood up looking in the mirror.

"Hello, darling." Lucifer smiled appearing in reflection.

"I fucking missed you!" Kate cried shedding few tears. Right now all she wanted to do was to actually hug the Devil.

"Missed you too, little brat." Lucifer smiled affectionately at her.

"Are you alright?" he asked soon after in serious tone. Kate nodded and smiled at him whipping away her tears that didn't seem to stop flowing.

"And here I thought my sister has more humanity in her." Lucifer mumbled.

"I am fine, Lucifer, really." She smiled at Him never taking her eyes off of Him.

"Katherine, I saw every single thing that he did to you and I could do nothing about it." He stepped closer in reflection thinking how to punish Mathew in thousands of new ways.

"I don't care. The fact that you tried is enough for me, Luce." Kate said and putted her hand on the mirror.

"Besides, I'm alive." She smiled. Lucifer just narrowed his eyes at her.

"Why is Jophiel here?" Kate asked.

She shouldn't have asked that. Question that she will regret all her life.

"You can't stay here and so can't I." he stated. Well, yeah.

"What's going on?" Kate asked and took away her hand.

'I can't really talk with you.' Lucifer said in her head, reflection of him gone.

'Why?' Kate asked.

'Jophiel can hear me.' Lucifer explained.

'Okay. What do I do?' Kate asked.

'Leave everything to me. All I ask from you is to hold on a little longer, Katherine.'

'How long?' she asked and swallowed lump in her throat. God, she didn't want to be here any much longer.

'Two more days. Can you do that?' he asked her. Girl just nodded at that.

'Is Jophiel bad and evil?' Kate asked without thinking. She could hear Devil's laugh in her head.

'She comes from Heaven, darling. She's just a soldier that trails behind dad like lost puppy.' Lucifer laughed.

'I knew that.' Kate mumbled; annoyed by her own stupidity.

'Now, listen closely.' Lucifer started and explained his plan to her and what she needed to do.

'But why are we doing this?' Kate thought while sitting in front of a mirror.

'Dad is not happy with my vacation.' Lucifer stated.

'Vacation?' Kate wasn't quite sure how to feel about it.

'Yes, leave it at that.' He said absentmindedly.

'So what are you to say?' he asked instead.

'That you left. If asked, I don't know where you are.' Kate thought.

I don't mind you under my skin ➳| Lucifer MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now