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In the morning

Kate had finally fall in dreamless sleep. Enjoying the little rest she could have. Everything was alright until 10 am came around.

"It's 10 am, you know." Said British voice instead of an alarm clock.

"What the--" Kate shoot up from bed. Looking around all confused until her eyes fell upon the full length mirror that she didn't notice last night. And there he was standing. Looking at Kate from the reflection.

"Lucifer..." Kate said under her breath little relieved that it's him not somebody else.

"Keys." was all he said.

"What?" Kate rubbed her eyes and the looked in her phone. "Oh, shit!"

"You could say that." Lucifer looked at her not before letting his eyes fall little lower. Small smirk playing on his lips. Seeing that Kate pulled blanket more over herself. She couldn't blame him; under her lacy top was nothing but her naked skin. What? Sleeping without a bra and just in panties is comfier

"I have to wake up Mathew!" she wanted to jump out of bed when Lucifer's next sentence stopped her.

"He's already gone."

"What did you do to him?!" Kate jumped out of blankets and scooted to the end of the bed on her knees and hands. Lucifer had to admit that it looked kind of sexy. Smirk playing on his lips until he spoke.

"I did nothing. He left around 8. You were still sleeping. He didn't want to wake you." Lucifer explained and let his eyes wander down her body for a second.

"Oh." Kate merely answered him. He nodded and said after a minute:

"You touched my bar."

"About that. I can pay for it." Kate felt guilty.

"Don't. It was worth a lot more than your monthly salary." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay..." she mumbled.

"Next time warn me if you want to let you boyfriend stay the night in my flat." Lucifer stressed.

"Sorry... you know girl can get dazzled when seeing a flat like this and saying that she owns it." Kate tried to explain.

"Or maybe the dazzled girl was way too tipsy." Lucifer retorted.

"I was not!" she yelled and winced at the pain in her head.

"Sure, you can believe who you want." H shrugged.

"Can I have my keys now?" he continued.

"Yes. Just... let me change." She said. He nodded at her.

"Without your watchful gaze on me, Lucifer." She cocked an eyebrow.

"You look gorgeous with clothes. I bet you look even better without any." He grinned. Kate turned red as a tomato. She looked down at her lap. In that moment remembering how little of clothing she's actually wearing.

"Please... can you..." suddenly Kate seemed so shy and unsure in his eyes.

Of all the things that she has asked Lucifer, why she just couldn't ask him to leave for ten minutes? What's wrong with her?

"Of course, as you wish." Lucifer smiled fondly and disappeared from mirror. Kate looked around and grabbed her clothes to get dressed. When she was done she stood in front of a mirror and as on cue Lucifer appeared in it.

"Shit!" she jumped.

"Jumpy, aren't we?" Lucifer cooed. Kate just rolled her eyes at him and turned around to put her clothes in suit case.

"You can leave them here if you want to." Lucifer offered.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Just take what you need the most and leave the rest." He shrugged.

"Thank you!" Kate smiled elated and literally hugged the mirror. The closest she could get to touching him.

"By the way, how was my bed?"

"What? Oh, fuck, this is your bedroom!" Kate winced at stupid mistake that she had made last night. Falling on a bed face forward Kate groaned out loud. Soon after taking deep breath and realizing how good it smelled. Not to be creepy or anything but it smelled like really nice. It wasn't strong just faint trace of it. Smell of cleanness, male deodorant and a hint of aftershave. Something kind of minty about it. She liked it.

Who owns this bed?


Yesterday I was drinking ma ice coffee. So today I am a bit tipsy, but hell does it help to come up with a witty and funny plot. dont be alarmed I am okay, not THAT tipsy and before you judge-I am of age, so...

Anyway, enjoy this chapter. Am I the only author that forgets that she has written certain lines, Like I have no memory of this place, wut?

Now I am jamming to the sickest beats and trying to write more, so you'll excuse me...


I don't mind you under my skin ➳| Lucifer MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now