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Waking up early in the morning never made Kate happy. But the work was calling and she needed money for living. Girl's gotta eat. Kate looked at her alarm clock and sighted. 7 am. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep. Turning on some music, Kate was getting ready for her day. And it was the long work day, just because she had to visit doctors yesterday. But putting that aside Kate just was happy that she was feeling better than morning before. That was all that actually mattered right now. Also the sun that was being nice enough to indulge everything in its rays of light made girl a tad bit happier.

While going to work, which usually took about 15-20 minutes to get there, reminded her about the fact she was in need of a bike. Just to imagine that she could enjoy city even more if she would have a bike. It sounded so nice and aesthetic and tumblry and stuff.

"Does anyone want to buy me a bike?" Kate laughed when she went into the café. But instead she was greeted by Mathew sitting by the counter.

"Good morning..." Kate drawled out not sure how she should react.

"Hey, sweetheart." Mathew got up and hugged Kate. She somehow awkwardly hugged him back. Then her eyes glided over the counter itself. Flowers. Orange lilies.

"Oh, these are for you." Mathew reached for the flowers and gave them to Kate.

"Thank you, but what for?" she asked and tried to smile.

"I wanted to say how sorry I am about my behavior yesterday. I shouldn't have done that." Mathew apologized once again.

"Okay..." Kate just looked at him. What was she supposed to say?

'You shouldn't talk to him.' Lucifer's voice in your head said.

'Why not?' she thought.

"I just need to know if you forgive me." Mathew pleaded. Kate just nodded.

"No, I need to hear you say it." Mathew demanded softly.

'Don't.' Lucifer warned.

"I.. I forgive... you..." Kate mumbled quietly. Mathew smiled at her.

"I knew you would. I just can't help myself. My consciousness is telling me that you have something dangerous around you. But I... I love it." Mathew said and took hold of Kate's right hand.

'I think that Jophiel has something to do with it or he's just is into me.' Lucifer mumbled in her head.

'That would explain why he thinks I am dangerous.' Kate thought.

'Jophiel knows that I am here.' Lucifer said.

'Do you see her?' Kate wanted to know.

"Hey, are you alright?" Mathew asked when Kate seemed to be zoning out.

"What? Yeah, I am fine." Kate murmured.

"Why do I have feeling that I should protect you?" Mathew murmured.

"From who?" Kate asked even though she knew that question wasn't directed to her.

'From me, Katherine.' Lucifer whispered when Mathew didn't.

"Jill!" Kate called behind her.

"Yeah?" her friend answered.

"I am calling in sick. I have to go." Kate said aiming the last sentence to Mathew and running out of the café.

"What the hell is going on?" Kate run to her home. Dashing into her bedroom she stood in front of a mirror.

"Answers, Lucifer!" Kate demanded.

"Now!" was more desperate call from her.

"Ask the question and I shall answer." He appeared.

"Did you saw Jophiel?" Kate asked.

"Yes." Lucifer answered. Kate took deep breath.

"Why does Mathew need to protect me?" Kate asked.

"Katherine..." Lucifer said but she didn't seem to hear.

"Was he talking to her?" she continued.

"Katherine." Lucifer tried to speak.

"Does he know about you?" she didn't stop.

"KATHERINE!" Lucifer raised his voice and everything turned dark for a second. Girl shivered and looked around retracting from the mirror. This was the first time she has seen him like that.

"Listen to me." He started and looked at the girl.

"You are in danger." He said slowly letting it sink in her brain.

"What?" she asked so quietly as if afraid someone uninvited would hear it.

"She is coming for me." Lucifer tried to explain slowly.

"Why?" Kate asked and stepped closer to the mirror.

"Doesn't matter. But because of me she is coming for you." Lucifer said. Kate furrowed her brows, why doesn't it matter?

"What should I do?" Kate asked unsure.

"Do you trust me?" he asked before anything else. In that moment anger boiled in Kate.

"How the fuck do you want me to trust you if you even don't tell me what is the reason they are hunting me, Lucifer?!" Kate barked.

"I am not supposed to be here, Katherine." Lucifer reminded.


"They want me back in Hell." Lucifer explained further.

"You. Wait, you are not in Hell?" Kate looked surprised.

"The fuck are you?" she wanted to know.

"Saying that would put you in bigger danger, Katherine." Lucifer sighted. Kate thought for a moment.

"Fine. I trust you. What do I do?" Kate asked looking at him.


Here is the update. enjoy!


Also I want to piont out that there will be 34 chapters for this book. Strated typing second one. dont know if I publish it here, tho.

Can we talk about FOB's Champion?!!! So goooood....

Second book anyone?


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