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After last night's talk with Lucifer, Kate wanted to meet Mathew even more right now. He had told her that he will be at café today too.

Twenty minutes before ending of her last shift there was a bell, indicating new customer's arrival. Kate looked up and saw Mathew coming towards counter. He smiled to her and Kate smiled in return. Everything with Mathew felt so easy from the first minute. Maybe the angel at his side made it easier to talk with him? Kate wondered for a time how did this angel look like. Lucifer called her beautiful and knowing his standards she must be real beauty.

"Are you okay?" Mathew asked her when she seemed to be zoning out.

"Yeah... Sorry about that. What were you saying again?" she looked down in embarrassment of her mistake.

"I was asking if you are free this evening. There is this new movie at theater and I have two tickets... and I was thinking... If you wanted to come with me?" Mathew asked as his cheeks turned rosy.

"Yes. I would be glad to come to a movie with you." She smiled.

"How about we meet at theater at 8?" she continued soon after. One thing she learned from her parents, don't say where you live to a person you hardly know.

"Your answer just made me much happier." Mathew said and suddenly his phone rang.

"Sorry, I have to take this." He apologized. Kate just nodded. Mathew looked at her while on the phone when his eyebrows furrowed at her. Kate cocked her head to side and looked at Mathew.

"What's wrong?" she whispered.

"No..nothing. I gave to go now. See you later." He rushed away before glancing behind her.

"Bye." Kate said and turned around. No one was there except her co-worker Jill.

"Is everything okay?" Jill asked.

"Yeah. I think I am going on a date tonight." Kate squealed.

Later, after work

Kate run home to her flat overjoyed. It has been forever since her last date. Back at home there actually was no one that Kate liked so dating was out of question. She jumped quickly into the shower. The cold water reminded her of the dream that she had all those nights before. Pleasant shiver run down her spine at that memory. She looked behind her shoulder and bit her lip. She had to admit that the dream was good. Even, if it was with the Devil.

She then runs to the small vanity mirror to do her make-up. Simple cat eye, some nude lipstick and little bit of blush. And now the hard part: what to wear. Kate looked into her closet. She didn't own ton of clothes but she had enough. She pulled out lacey sundress. Looking into mirror she just shook her head.

Jeans with hoodie? No.

Skirt and blouse? No.

Shorts with tee? No!

"Fucking hell!!!" Kate exclaimed and rubbed her eyes still standing in front of a mirror.

"What do you want to do with Hell, exactly?" Lucifer asked grinning at her while trapped in a mirror.

"I am at crises right now!" Kate didn't even look at him. He just looked at her then behind her where was a pile of clothes, then at the same looking floor and closet.

"What occasion?" he simply asked.

"God damned movie night!" Kate groaned.

"Didn't know that He has damned that too." Lucifer mused.

I don't mind you under my skin ➳| Lucifer MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now