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Kate wasn't sure what was happening. She hadn't been fed or given any pills in what was like last 24 hours she assumed. She just felt so tired now. Could it be that pills where wearing off?

"Get up!" Mathew's voice awakened Kate from her slumber on the cold floor.

"Here is your stupid mirror." Mathew pointed at the big mirror that stood in the light. Kate looked at him with wide eyes. Next she scrambled up and run to mirror. She couldn't believe it, with trembling hands she traced the heavy and thick frame of the mirror.

"Thank you." Kate mumbled in small voice.

"Not a proper thank you, babe." Mathew said now standing behind her.

"Wha--?" Kate shivered when Mathew's hands came upon her hips.

"Just a little taste.." Mathew murmured against her neck.

"DON'T YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER MATHEW!" came voice from around the room. So there were speakers and cameras in room. Hmm, what else?

Mathew's hands immediately were gone from Kate.

"Did you hear that too? Who is out there? Who is she?" Kate had so many questions.

"Shut it! You know it, somehow. I got you that God damned mirror, so shut it!" Mathew barked at her.

"THAT MIRROR WAS NOT DAMNED BY FATHER." Came the same voice from speakers this time a tad more annoyed.

Lucifer would have said the same. Who was out there? Wait...

"Jophiel?" Kate asked cautiously to the room.

"SO HE HAS TOLD YOU HASN'T HE?" voice said. Kate just nodded eagerly.

"WELL, HE NEVER ACTUALLY FOLLOWED RULES." Out came sight, disordered by speakers.

He made his own. Kate smiled fondly at her thought.

"How do you know each other?" Mathew asked and turned Kate to face him.

"I.. I actually.. I don't know her. I was told about her." Kate said and played with her nimble fingers. Mathew rolled his eyes and went out of the room. Kate heard locks falling in their places as the doors shut closed once again. Kate stared at it. Why didn't he bring her food? No, that's not it. Why didn't he bring any pills? She looked behind herself and glanced at the mirror.

Then with giddy smile she run to the mirror. Giving herself a look over she realized how bad she looked. But right now she didn't care about it.

It felt unreal. She had lost all hope. But now...

'Lucifer...' she thought of his name because right now she didn't trust her voice. Swallowing hard she stared in the mirror.

Just a reflection of broken girl. Tattered clothes, dirty skin covered in bruises, dark circles around her once bright eyes.

Was she even the person that she used to be?

Does she deserve to be freed?

Wasn't she just crazy girl imagining all this?

Maybe this is just bad dream? And soon she'll wake up back at her bedroom in parent's house?

Girl putted face in her hands and sighted.

"Are you even there?" she whispered. He is King of Hell after all; maybe He was gone forever. He was doing this against his will.

"Lucifer?" Kate cleared her throat and asked in small voice. Still nothing. Could it be that medicine was still in her system?

I don't mind you under my skin ➳| Lucifer MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now