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Two and a half empty bottles latter Kate was giggling about the fact that her ceiling was so damn boring. Pulling out her phone Kate opened camera and took bunch of silly selfies. Nothing bad in that. Pouting at her own dumb selfies Kate wondered that maybe she should send some pictures to her friends back at home. As if to catch up with everything that has been going on. While choosing to whom send these pictures Kate actually didn't see that she had also ticked Mathew's name somewhere in the middle.

"Katherine!" Snapped Lucifer who had appeared in the mirror opposite her bed.

"Oh, it's you, Lucifer!" Kate smiled lopsided smile at him and scooted to the end of her bed where she laid on her back head falling off of bed. She raised her phone to her face and hit send button. Putting phone on her tummy she looked at mirror where Lucifer was standing unfazed by her state. She squinted her eyes at him which only made him raise an eyebrow at her.

"Why are you so handsome, Lucifer?" Kate asked not really filtering what she was saying out loud. His eyebrows slowly furrowed at her. Before he could answer Kate cut him off by saying:

"Why do you have so expressive eyebrows? Now I am jealous." Kate said and smiled when she heard that her phone had received a new message. She lazily rolled on her stomach and eyed Lucifer for a brief second.

"What?" He just asked having no clue as what she was up to.

"Nothing..." Kate giggled. Was there something flirtatious in her voice, Lucifer thought for a second. Kate looked down at her phone and smiled. Someone had replied to her pictures. She once again glanced at Lucifer and now he was holding a glass of whiskey in his hand. So she reached for her own wine glass and tipped it at Lucifer before taking a huge gulp but not swallowing. Lucifer inclined his head at her and took a sip from his own drink looking at Kate and wondered why she didn't swallow the drink. He didn't even have to ask when the said liquid was spitted out of her mouth and now dripping down her chin. Last part left a fleeting thought run through his head. He swallowed and asked her what's wrong.

"M-Mathew...he.." Kate mumbled under her nose.

"He did what now?" Lucifer asked and his drink disappeared.

"I may have accidentally sent him a picture." Kate sat up still looking at her phone.

"Naked?" Lucifer merely asked. Kate cringed at the thought.

"No!" She said.

"I don't see your problem." Lucifer shrugged his drink appearing once again.

"I sent my friends back at home a selfie with written all over 'in a need of company'. And somehow I sent it to Mathew." Kate shivered. Right not she didn't feel really drunk.

"And now he's asking if I am at home." Kate said biting her nails.

"Say you are not home." Lucifer said as if it was clear to anybody except Kate.

"Well, he asked if the pic is taken at my home. Should I say no?" Kate looked at Lucifer. He just silently nodded. She typed the answer when with a shriek from girl phone landed on the bed.

"He's calling me right now!" She looked at Lucifer with big eyes. Before Lucifer could say something against answering the call, Kate already was speaking with Mathew on the phone. Lucifer just wanted to rip his hair out of her stupidity.

"No. Sorry, it was meant as a joke. I.." Kate tried to explain and putted phone on speaker.

"Oh, come on, Kate. We could have some fun, drink together. Remember like the last time." Mathew said and Kate just cringed. Kate looked at Lucifer who was just shaking his head in no.

I don't mind you under my skin ➳| Lucifer MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now