Chapter 2

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I walked into the bedroom and dressed myself in a pair of black skinny jeans, a cami top and a blazer. I grabbed the suitcase from on top of the wardrobe and started to pack. I took only what I needed jeans, tops, blazers and a few dresses and most importantly my pink Chanel bag.

I wheeled the suitcase down the stairs along with a few other bags and my make-up case and left them at the end of the stairs. I walked back into the kitchen and took the shiney silver diamond ring off my finger and placed it on the kitchen table. I didn't need to explain myself, I didn't need to tell him why this was his fault and I was not going to be the stupid wife that pretended to know nothing and still played a happy family. I began to pack my car with my things.

I took one last look around trying to stop the tears from falling down but I couldn't. I had put my heart and soul into this house, I had worked my arse off to get the best things in life, but I couldn't stay. I didn't know what had gone on in my own home.

As I got into the car I pulled out my Chanel bag onto my lap inside was a key to my granny's house, a separate bank account and my old phone. When we got married we used a joint account and shared everything but I was still putting some money away in my old bank account. My Granny always told me "Keep a secret stash that he doesn't have to know about incase of emergencies, look after yourself first" and right now I was so grateful I listened and knew that I had somewhere to go.

I turned on the radio and opened the window letting the breeze blow through my hair. As I waited for the gates to open, I took one last look around my home.. my old home.

I was about 2 hours into my drive from Dublin to West Cork, and I had played every sad, heartbroken song I could think of from Mariah Carey- we belong together to Little Mix - No More Sad Songs.

"For tonight, I'm going to get my mind off it
Don't care that someone's got his hands all over my body
Stay out all night, go where the music is loud
So I don't have to think about it, I'm beggin', please, don't play"

"Oh, ye of so little faith, Don't doubt it, don't doubt it, Victory is in my veins, I know it, I know it, And I will not negotiate, I'll fight it, I'll fight it,I will transform."

I now noticed by phone was buzzing and I had 52 missed calls and 86 text messages from Brian. I seen the first few on my lock screen

"Babe, where are you I made dinner"

"Why is your wedding ring here"

"Why are all your things gone"

"This isn't funny Mia where are you"

As I pulled the car over the tears ran down my face, reality hit me my marriage was over. There was no fairytale happy ending, no family no love or respect. My phone started ringing again and I don't know what came over me but I answered


"Mia where the fuck are you, I've been waiting around 2 hours now and you just leave your wedding ring and leave. We are married for God Sake I've been worried sick what on earth is going on"

The anger was raging up inside me, he was shouting and screaming at me like I was in the wrong. The only words that came out of my mouth was

"Yes Brian, we were married, thats before you fucked Melissa in our bed, in our room in our house."

The line went silent

"Mia, Im... Im so sorry baby please"

"Don't call me again I'm not your wife anymore"

I hung up the phone and sobbed into my hands. After about 10 minutes I gathered myself together.

"Everything happens for a reason" I said to myself and flung my iPhone out the window.

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