Chapter 4

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The past few days here have been nice, its been a lot different to what I was used to. I have been crying most of the days and being angry at whats happened. But I was taking this time to myself.

My dream since was to be a make-up artist, I loved how it made people feel and just to see how happy and great they were feeling, it made me so happy. I had made a bit of a name already in Dublin but I was back to square one ,having to build a name for myself was going to be a tough challenge. 

As I walked to the kitchen to pop the kettle on I heard a car pull up outside. I walked to the window and looked out to see a large, black BMW jeep pull up. As he opened the door I realised who it was..

"You have got to be kidding me" I mumbled. I waked out the door and standing there was Brian.

"I knew I would find you here, took a while but you always said you wanted to come back here and see the place" he said

"What are you doing here, I told you to leave me the fuck alone" I walked back inside and slammed the door shut and threw myself on the sofa.

He followed me in kneeled down in front of me

"It was a mistake, I'm so sorry Mia I don't want her, I want you. You are the most beautiful, most caring and a wonderful wife" He took my hand and kissed it. I quickly snatched it back trying to fight back the tears.

"Go home Brian, and leave me the fuck alone" I yelled and stormed into the bedroom slamming the door behind me, but he followed me in

"Come on... lets go home go get some help we can get past this, I will fire her we can move house and move on with our life and start the family we have always wanted."

I was broken, we had been together since we were 16 and I had never been with anyone else. I wanted to have the fairytale happy ever after dream. But I couldn't stay with him or stand by him, not after what he had done.

"Listen to me and listen to me good, I want you gone, out of here, out of my life for good. Im not a door mat and I will not have my husband cheat and lie to me" I walked back into the kitchen and placed my hands on the counter.

"Babe, you won't leave me and we both know it, you would be nothing without me. Who paid for all your make-courses, your make-up your fancy designer bags, your lavish lifestyle, it was all me."

The anger was now raging inside me, I was so mad. All I could think about was smashing this cup over his head, but I told myself to take control don't let him get to you. He came behind me and wrapped his arms around me and started kissing my neck. 

"You are mine and you always will be" 

He turned me around and kissed my forehead hard, then opened my hand and placed my wedding ring back on left finger and smiled at me.

"Let me do dinner, its a start to make it up to you. I can do risotto or stuffed chicken, is there any decent shops around here theres nothing but junk in here" he started opening and closing all the cupboards

"Tell you what, I will go get some decent food and you can get the table ready and light a few candles ok babe" 

He kissed me on the cheek and left, I could still smell his Hugo Boss aftershave lingering after he left. I kept thinking about what he said, ' You would be nothing without me' 'You won't leave me'. I was even more determinded to prove him wrong.

I ran into the bedroom and packed my suitcase and bags again, stuffing them all in until it closed shut and threw the bags outside the door. I took a deep breath and called a taxi, there was no way I could take my car. I reassured myself I was doing the right thing. I took my ring off again and placed it on the counter with a little slip of paper that read

'Watch me do it all without you'.

I closed the door and jumped into the taxi and went to the one place, that would change everything. 

This was me and my life starting over.

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