Chapter 27

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Mia's POV

I was now walking around the apartment trying to keep busy but my mind kept drawing back to Alex. He was due to come over but its been a hour since Kourtney told him we had a emergency and he needed to come over. I sat down on the sofa and rubbed my hand over my bump I never thought I would experience this, it was something beautiful was unique. I was suddenly startled by banging on the door and I knew this was it. I stood up straightened myself out and made my way towards the door. 

"Mia.. " He turned me around to check my front and back and patted my arms and body.

"Alex I'm fine, it was... there is no emergency I just needed to talk to you and Kourtney came up with this...." he then interrupted me

"Mia, you... you look great, your glowing" He looked down at my small little bump that was forming.

"Im sorry I left, I just couldn't see you and him..." he walked towards the window and looked out with his hands on his hips. I could see through his white t-shirt and see the muscles in his back. 

I walked to the fridge and took the pictures of the scan and sat on the sofa. 

"Come sit down please"

Alex placed his keys, phone and wallet on the table and walked over and sat on the opposite sofa across from me. I crouched down infant of him so I was sat in between his feet. 

"Alex look at me please this is important" 

His blue eyes looked right into my heart and I felt a feeling I've never felt before. Happiness

"Alex, I was told I could never have kids, I tried so many times and tried IVF. I had so many miscarriages that it broke me into a million pieces and now, now I have the chance to be a mom and to be the best and its..."

He placed his hands face in his hands and sighed 

"I know Mia, now your pregnant and you have the baby you have always wanted and you want to work it out with him so you can be a family"

I took his hands and placed the photos of the scan in his hands

"This is our baby, me and you every single finger and toes is me and you" 

He looked at me and back at the pictures and started to trace his finger on the picture

"Really" he asked with his eyes welling up

"Yes Alex, were going to have a baby" 

He picked me up and hugged me so tight I squealed. He brushed his finger over my lips and stared right at me

"Mia, I love you"

I was shocked and surprised no one had ever told me that since Brian but I felt like he really meant it. 

"I.. I love you too" 

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we made our way into my room. He lay me on the bed

"God I have missed you" 

He started kissing my neck, and he trailed his way down to my stomach touching and exploring every inch of my body. Nothing felt better than the sensations and the tingling I was feeling under his touch. Alex used his strong hands to pull me up and on all fours he entered me with force and then moved at a slow and steady pace making me beg for it. His lips devoured mine and his tongue explored my breasts until i moaned and begged for more. He started to thrust faster and our breathing increased until every point in my body sparked with desire, I screamed and collapsed on the bed. 

Alex lay down beside as we panted to gain our breath back. He turned on his side and looked at my stomach

"We are really having a baby" 

I laughed and placed his hand on my stomach

"Yes, your going to be a daddy for the first time"

I started to kiss my shoulder and wrap my arms around him. He was like a safety blanket I needed I got this warm, fussy, happy feeling when I'm with him. 

"Alex, I just want to know. Is there anything... anything here, are we anything"

He sighed and put his thumb under my chin and my lips.

"You are mine and my only.. my... girlfriend and the best mother to our baby" 

He started to get out of the bed 

"I have to go back to work theres a big meeting on and I have to work late"

He began to put his trousers back on and I made my way into the living room. I  picked up the scan pictures and cut one of them out. I picked up Alex's wallet and removed a card that was in the picture section and I couldn't believe my eyes. 

I took the picture out of wallet and sat on the sofa staring at this picture of 3 beautiful girls that were exactly like Alex. 

"Babe, I gotta go" 

He walked over to the counter and took his keys and his phone and patted around for his wallet. 

"You... you have kids" 

He turned around and went a shade of white 

"Mia please its not what you think"

"You lied to me, you said you didn't have kids so what are you married now too"

Alex rushed over to me and placed his hands on my sides and I pushed his back

"Start fucking talking Alex"

He sat down on the sofa and placed the picture on the table

"Yes Mia, I have 3 beautiful girls, they are everything to me and they are my life. Annabelle, Amy and Amanda. " 

"You lied to me"

"No Mia, I didn't you never asked" 

I could feel the tears start to fall down my cheeks as I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was hurt and felt betrayed.

Alex's POV

"Mia, I have loved you since I was that 10 year old little boy living next door to you with the thick black glasses and the geeky haircut. Meeting you again has made me love life again and seen the brightness when its dark. You make my heart beat a million times but you have to understand my kids they are kids there young they don't understand adult stuff. I didn't want to bring them into this into us until I was certain."

I grabbed her hand and placed it on lips 

"How do I know that your not hiding anything else"

"I can only promise you"

"I don't want to get hurt again Alex, I don't want to do this alone, this baby I need you and its only now I'm realising it"

I pulled her into my arms and felt my chest start to get wet. 

"When the time is right I want you to meet my girls just not now"

She nodded and placed her head on my chest again and snuggled into me. After about 15 minutes I slowly got up off the sofa and placed a blanket around her. I took the picture and put it in beside my girls where its safely kept. 

I made my way to pick up my girls and I couldnt be more excited to see them, I just wish I could tell them about the baby but first I need to leave my wife. 

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