Chapter 36

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Mia's POV - 1 Month Later

My life was a mess, nothing was what is seemed. I simply fell in love with the wrong man, I fell in love with someone else husband and lost my baby. My future was not in America, It was not in London it was at the one place that I felt safe and happy. 

Here I was back again in the little run down cottage but this time its different I wanted to make it my home. I needed to get my life back on track for me, I had been through enough these past few months and I needed to get my head straight.  

It was a Saturday night and I was on the sofa with the fire blazing watching the soaps eating a tub of Ben and Jerrys. This was the normality now and I kind of liked it. The door bell rang and I was hesitant to answer and it was so late. 

It rang again, and again. I eventually decided to get up and peek out through the little hole on the door. I opened the door and couldn't believe my eyes


" Kourtney what the hell are you doing here its 10pm a night" 

"I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and how amazing this place is"

I threw my arms around her and hugged her so tightly.

"Come in, let me make you tea its freezing out" I waved at her

She strolled in with her designer suitcase and shiney black louboutin shoes and a Chanel bag. She clearly had no idea about Ireland. 

"this is it?" she asked she looked around at the plain walls and raised a eyebrow 

"Yep you definitely won't need those shoes here anyway" I laughed and continued to make a hot cup of tea. 

She took her shoes off and made her way towards the counter sitting on the bar stool as she warmed her hands up around the cup.

"So spill"

"Nothing to spill, Im just happy here I really am"

I watched as she took the hot cup up to her lips


The silence was awkward but she still continued to stare at me

"Go on.. ask me" 

I sighed and decided to take some biscuits out of the cupboard to dunk into my tea.

"Im gonna tell you anyway he misses you and he asks for you all the time."

I rolled my eyes and made my way into the living room and added more coal into the fire. 

"Mia, no bullshit I want to know why you left, and left in such a hurry you just packed up and left."

I could feel my eyes start to well up, my heart was hurting and I was. I had pushed all these feelings to the back of my mind.  

She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight 

"Its ok honey, its going to be ok, talk to me, I'm here" 

"I love him I really do, but bad things happen and he lied to me. He had this whole other life that I had no idea, no clue about. How can I ever trust him again!" 

She pulled me in again for a hug 

"He was a stupid man, but nothing can change what he's done but I do know that man loves you so much"

She wiped my tears with her warm hands and thats when I noticed the big huge diamond ring

"YOUR ENGAGED" I screamed

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