Chapter 16

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Alex's POV

I walked into my office and closed the door behind me.

"Hey Mia, shall we say 12pm?"

"Perfect see you then"

"Daddy, where are you" I opened the door and there were 3 beautiful girls, Annabelle, Amy and Amanda. Alison wanted to keep the letter 'A' for the girls names I wasn't mad on it but she insisted. Annabelle and Amy were twins sometimes it was so hard to tell them apart.

"Hi girlies what would you like to do today" 

"We want to be the princesses of the castle and daddy your the monster trying to steal us" 

I looked at them all in their pink princess dresses and Alison's high heels. 

"Well, if I was a monster then I would go ROARRRRRRR....." 

All 3 of them screamed and ran around the house while I chased after them. They were the best things that happened to me, they complete me. As we ran around the house knocking things over, the kids throwing toys and clothes at me I realised the place was a mess. 


All 4 of us turned round, Alison was standing there with her hands on her hips and her eyes looked like they were going to bulge out of her eyes. The 3 girls hid behind me and left me to face her.

"Alison its fine we will clean it up, we were just playing" I rubbed my head in my hands, she grabbed me by my arm and pulled me into the kitchen.

"When will you grow up and realise you are not a child, Alex look at this place I'm always the bad person giving out and moaning" 

Although I love my wife these past few months have just been hell. She got a new job as a PA in a property company in her dad's company and has been working all sorts of hours and late nights. 

"Im sorry Alison there just kids we were playing around and..."

"Hello Mrs Winters speaking"

She answered her phone and left the room. I let out a huge sigh 

"Daddy, were very sorry, we didn't mean to get you into trouble" Annabelle stood there with her arms behind her back and her eyes looking to the floor 

"Yes daddy we are sorry we didn't mean too we just get too carried away like mummy tells us" Amanda answers

My heart was breaking, there kids for fuck sake making mess is part of it they shouldn't be punished for it.

"Don't mind mummy, she's just... really busy why don't we get you dressed and off too creche to your friends. I will clean this mess up later"

I gave them a kiss on the head each, and watched them leave the room.

Alison came back in

"Its work again, I have to go.." she made her way out the kitchen and into the hall

"Alison.. stop" I shouted, she stopped and turned around 

"Why don't you come with us tonight the kids have a talent show from creche end of year thing"

"I will try but I'm busy, I will see what I can do" she said looking down on her phone

"Alison they are your fucking kids as well, have some time for them please.  Since you have started work you have no time for me for us your family."

She looked up at me and hissed

"I spent my entire LIFE bringing those kids up since they were born, I stayed at home, I put my life, my career on hold for them, my life stopped and I was stuck at home looking after them while you went out. Now its your turn"

She opened the door and slammed it shut. I ran my fingers through my hair and sat on the last step of the stairs. I then felt 6 pairs of arms around me kissing my face and gigging, even when my marriage is falling apart least I have these girls to keep me sane. I stood up and looked at them sitting on the stairs

"What on earth are you girls wearing" 

They had matching dress on with matching shoes and matching white socks. 

"Mummy always said we looked so pretty when we dressed the same" Amy said

"So we dressed the same so mummy might want to play with us again" Annabelle said

I looked at them with my heart breaking, how could she put her career before her kids. 

"Tell you what, lets get you ready and how about tonight we put on our onesies and watch whatever movie you would like"

They screamed and jumped around and hugged my legs.

"Right now ladies but daddy must get ready for the day" 

I made my way upstairs and jumped into the shower getting myself ready for my date with Mia. 

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