Chapter 15

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Mia's POV

My date last night with Alex was unbelievable, I couldn't stop smiling I checked my phone and had no calls or texts. Should I text him? should I wait for him to text me? my mind was on overdrive. 

I got myself ready to go view a apartment, I couldn't stay stuck inside this hotel room I needed something more permeant. I got dressed in a pair of black skinny ripped jeans, a blue vest and my pink nike runners. I applied a little make up, not too much grabbed my bag and made my way out. 

I checked my phone it was now 9:16 and there was still no sign of the estate agent. I had drank all my coffee and decided to call her number

"Miss Ryan, I am so sorry I am late the kids got up late and I was running around rushing trying to drop them to school and then I got caught in the morning traffic but here I am"

She was absolutely gorgeous, she had long thick blonde hair with curls at the end and a huge red Michael Korrs bag. As she turned around to walk inside the entrance I noticed the red soles under her shoes, a nude pair of Christian Louboutin shoes.

"Thats alright Mrs..?"

"Oh please call me Alison my married name makes me sound so old" she giggled

We walked into the lift and up to the 37th floor and made our way to the apartment.

"This is the apartment, its a two bedroom two, bathroom, living room, kitchen, balcony and some storage space."

I walked around in amazement at how gorgeous this apartment was it was so open and spacious and the sun was beaming in.

"Kids?" she asked "for the second bedroom, you could do it up"

"Oh no, Im a make up artist I would like to have the second room as my make up room just to start out with, until I make myself more known" I walked into the second bedroom having a look around

"Oh wow, I wouldn't mind someone coming to my house to do my make up every morning. Do you know how hard it is to do your own face with kids running around the place" 

I made my way out onto the balcony, it had the most beautiful view. Alison followed me outside

"So what do you think" she asked

"Its beautiful its nothing like back at home"

I started twisting my hair thinking about home my old life. 

"I'll take it" I knew instantly I had fallen in love with this place. 

"Perfect I will have the contracts drawn up and emailed over to you how does that sound" 

I smiled and nodded. "Thats perfect"

Alison's phone rang 

"Excuse me" and she left into another room

I took another look around the apartment, and started planning where everything would go. I especially loved the view from the balcony.I took a seat down on one of the chairs and wondered what life would be like if I was still with Brian. Would I see all these things I have seen? would I have ever made it here to New York? my phone went off I took it out of my pocket and opened the message. 


I just wanted to let you know that you are the most beautiful girl in the world and I would like to take you out for brunch to celebrate your first gig x

Alison walked back in and i put my phone back in my pocket.

"Sorry sorry, my husbands at home with the kids today and ringing me every two minutes looking for stuff. I love him and all but he is a pain in the ass sometimes" 

"Its ok honestly gave me a chance to look around a bit more" 

"Do you have a business card or anything? I know how hard it is starting out and I would like to help. We have lots of big name clients in work and outside work I'm sure I could pass your name on"

"Oh.. oh no I don't not right now but I could get some made up and give you some that would be great Alison thank you"

We made our way back outside the apartment block.

"It was so nice to meet you Mia, I have an event next week, an award ceremony I normally do my make up myself but why not have someone else to do it for me" she giggled

"Yes! sure that would be perfect Alison, I cannot thank you enough" 

She took a piece of paper out and handed me a pen

"Write your number down here and I can give you a call when I'm free and we can organise something" 

I took the pen and wrote  my name and number down 

" I will call you soon Mia, goodbye" She waved as she got into her Range Rover jeep.

I took out my phone and called Alex

"Hey I'm free for brunch where do you want to meet'?

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