Chapter 20

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Mia's POV

I woke up to the sound of a phone vibrating on the side table, I rubbed my eyes and turned on  my side and there he was in all his glory. I could see every muscle on his lightly tanned body. I nudged him to wake him up.

"Good morning beautiful, I could do this every single morning you know and it would make me the happiest man alive." 

He turned to face me and pulled me into him. I had the biggest smile on my face and rested my head on his chest. His phone started to ring again

"You might wanna get that, its been ringing all morning" he picked up his phone and looked at it. I noticed the name Melissa. He sighed and put it back down and wrapped him arms around me. 

It felt good, it felt so bloody good to be in his arms. It has been so long since I have done this just snuggled up in bed. With Brian there was always something on or something to get ready for. It was amazing how we could just lie here together and not have to say anything. 

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this for" He tilted my chin up to look at him

"What do you mean" I asked

"I always remember trying to be better than him, always trying to get your attention and to hold you in my arms. But Brian, he always had a fancy car, a nice house he would buy you everything. I remember telling him and the guys that I wanted to ask you out on a date, but he made sure he got there before me."


"I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world Mia, and I don't want anyone else to have you. I want to treat you like the princess you deserve, I wanna give you a ring, a house, babies. I know were only 16 but I just know your the girl for me. So Mia will you be my girlfriend" 

My heart was racing I can't believe this is happening, I'm so excited and so nervous. 

"Yes, I would love to be" I smiled and he kissed me on the lips.

Alex walked over with his hands in his pocket and was looking at the ground. He looked almost nervous.

"Mia, can I talk to you"

"Sorry Alex, but me and my girlfriend are a bit busy here would you mind talking later" 

his face went red with anger.

"Its alright Brian I can spare 2 minutes" 

"Your a real arsehole Brian you know that, you.. you knew that I was.."

"oh whatever Alex" 

I looked at them both and before I knew it Alex punched Brian. The two of them were fighting in the street. I eventually got in the middle of them and pushed them apart. 

"Its always been you Mia, ever since we were kids but Brian made sure he had your attention"

My heart sank, I had no idea. I felt so awful.

"Well lets not think about the past, and lets think about the future now" I kissed his lips and he wrapped his arms around me and I rolled on top. His phone was ringing again.

"Sorry Mia, I better take this" He reached over and grabbed his phone, got out of the bed and went into the bathroom. 

I reached for my phone  and started to scroll through my emails. I was so happy to have received a email about a apartment. 

"Hey sorry I have to go bit of drama with ehh.... work" Alex walked back in and started getting dressed. 

"Oh.. ok sure, I got accepted for a apartment" 

He began putting his trousers on

"Oh thats great, if you need any help just let me know"

He then put his shirt back on and then his suit jacket. He came over and kissed me on the forehead and then the lips. 

"I will speak to you later beautiful" 

 I started to scroll through my emails a lot of them were rejection from make up jobs as I didn't have enough experience.  I have bills and a apartment to pay for now and my stash of money was starting to get low. 

As I scrolled through the rest I came across one from Brian. I was on two minds as to read it or not. Maybe he's finally owning up to what he had done and decided to apologise? i was apprehensive. I decided to open it and see what he had to say..

To my dearest Mia, 

First, let me say that I'm sorry for the hurt that I have caused you. I know an apology now will do little to heal the pain. I know it's useless to say sorry when the mistake seems unforgivable. But neither do I want to remain silent as if I don't care one bit about what I have done and the bitterness it brought you.

Not many can live with the idea of being cheated upon. Not many can put the past behind them and revive a troubled relationship. Not many can, again, find happiness in a man who has betrayed their trust. I understand that perfectly. The wound in your heart requires time to heal and it is only right that I allow you the space to do so.

You want a family and we have been unable to do so, but I will give you one Mia I promise.

Loving you always

Brian xx

I looked at the last sentence 'But I will give you one' what does that mean? I closed the laptop and started to get myself ready to sign the lease for the new apartment. 

I took my phone out and text Kourtney

'Going to sign a lease on a apartment what you say to drinks after?' 

'Im in'

For the first time in my life, everything was perfect. 

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